Auditions Process

City Church Band is accepting all auditions for volunteer musicians via video submissions. To know a little more about our band volunteers, please read this

We will review your videos and email you back within 2 weeks with the next steps in the process. If you play multiple instruments and want to audition for more than one, please use the additional link areas on the audition form.

If you would like to schedule a face to face (live) audition, please email us at

Preparing For Your Audition

Some of these songs have a certain degree of difficulty to them. Please don't get discouraged if you can't get everything right. Doing your best will help us to discern your current skill level. You will find a downloadable file below called “Audition Resources.” Inside, you will find a folder for your instrument. Please listen to the “DEMO” file to practice your part and use the “PERFORMANCE” file to record yourself playing/singing your part.


  • Male - You will sing 2 songs. For your first song, use the Vocals Audition (Male) folder. For your second song, sing a verse and chorus of a song you feel best suits your vocals a cappella (no accompaniment)

  • Female - You will sing 2 songs. For your first song, use the Vocals Audition (Female) folder. For your second song, sing a verse and chorus of a song you feel best suits your vocals a cappella (no accompaniment)

  • Note: If you are unable to sing it in the key provided, please choose your best key and sing it a cappella.


  • You will find two songs in each folder. Please record yourself playing along to the “PERFORMANCE” track.

    • Note for electric guitarists: You will find two folders (EG1 and EG2). If you choose to audition with EG1, you will not need to audition for EG2 as well. However, if EG1 is currently outside your skill set, audition with EG2 parts.

Creating & Submitting your audition

1. Practice

Download the Audition Resources file and start practicing

2. Upload

Upload your video via Youtube. Under privacy settings, select "Unlisted" and title with "Your Name - City Church Band Audition"

3. Submit

Submit your audition by filling out the Band Audition Form. Include the YouTube link to your video on the form. Feel free to submit other videos of yourself as well