A few things to know about the City Church Music... 

In its simplest form, our bands make music to bring glory to God; To teach and remind ourselves of the Gospel.  One thing we feel is important to point out is that worship is more than a time of singing or an experience we have at church gatherings. While it is a form of worship, it should not be the only time we are worshipping. Since “worship” is a word commonly used as a specific time of music and singing, we don’t want it to be confused with what should be a daily rhythm for our lives. As musicians, our aim is to reveal the goodness of the Father so that the church would not only worship within these walls, but would also leave worshipping. How we live in public and in private is paramount to the calling placed upon us. This is a position of leadership that requires our utmost obedience to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ.

Our instruments and voices are not our identity. They are blessings that we get the honor to use for God’s glory and our enjoyment. Our primary goal through the audition process is not to get you on a stage, but to help you find the best place to use your gifts. We are grateful for the opportunity to get to know you better!

The commitment: 

We are looking for individuals who are team players and are willing to be available for whatever is asked according to their abilities. Our services are strategic in leading our people in an act of worship and teaching them biblical truths they will remember through song. Our volunteer’s time commitment varies depending on the music ministry being served.

  • Sunday band commitment is usually about 7 hours (2hrs on Thursday night, and 5hrs on Sunday)

  • College band commitment is usually about 3 hours (Tuesday nights starting around 6:15p)

  • Student band commitment is usually about 3.5 hours (Wednesday nights starting around 5:30p)

Please remember to factor in the time you will need to prepare yourself the respective services. Practice is something required on your own time so that when we gather as a band, it is treated as a rehearsal. We provide many resources to assist you in being prepared for your scheduled service. However, our serving schedules are very flexible and you are not required to serve every week. The average musician in our bands plays/sings about twice per month.

We ask for 3 simple things of all our volunteers:

  • Be Prepared - We are only as strong as our weakest link

  • Be Punctual - Respect everyone’s time by being on time

  • Be Prayed Up - This is most important as we cannot expect to be able to point others to Christ if we are not spending time with Him ourselves throughout the week.

How does the audition process work? 

Auditions are available 24/7 via our online submission system. You can visit the audition site here. You will be asked to play/sing 2 songs which we will provide.

If you would like to schedule a face to face (live) audition, please email us at music@citychurchtallahassee.com.