How To Mentor & be mentored

Need help finding a mentor?  We can help.

There are many ways to mentor and be mentored at City Church. But they all have the same goal - to help one another grow more like Jesus. Maybe you are already mentoring someone and are simply looking for more resources. Or maybe you are new to mentoring and want to try one of our Growth Tracks. Regardless of what approach you take we are here to help equip and resource you in your mentoring role.


You have so much to offer. Be a Mentor.


Step 1 - Sign up to BE A MENTOR or find a mentor

Sign up to be a mentor or find a mentor and receive updates and new resources as they become available. It is our desire to come alongside you and support your journey with resources, prayer and coaching.

step 2 - PICK a Growth Track OR BUILD-YOUr-OWN

Having an intentional plan helps you grow. We offer two mentoring approaches, where you can either pick one of our provided Growth Tracks or simply build your own plan using resources from our Grow Page. 


PICK ONE of our three provided Growth Tracks (below). These tracks offer a more structured approach to mentoring. 

Current Growth Tracks:

BUILD YOUR OWN by creating a Personalized Growth Plan and exploring the many resources we've compiled for you on our Grow Page. 

Find the following and many other resource at our GROW PAGE:


After you've picked your plan, it's time to start experiencing some of the great joys of mentoring and learning from Jesus our Master Mentor. Start meeting together regularly, share life together, grow more like Jesus together and ultimately pass on what you've experienced and learned so that it doesn't end with you. Make disciples who make disciples!

Questions, suggestions or recommendations? Contact or call (850) 347-4100 x701