“...Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. ”
Is there someone in your life asking you hard questions about your faith? Do you know how to answer them? Or maybe, you are a Christian struggling with doubt and need help answering those hard questions for yourself. Either way, that is where apologetics, the defense of the Christian faith, comes in handy. Check out the apologetics resources to below:
I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, by Frank Turek
The Reason for God, by Tim Keller
Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing your Christian Convictions by Gregory Koukl
Apologetics to the Glory of God, by John Frame
Darwin’s Doubt, by Stephen C. Meyer
Did Jesus Rise From The Dead, by William Lane Craig
Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light of the Cross, by Norman L. Geisler, Abdul Saleeb
Answering Mormons' Questions, by Bill McKeever
Podcast: Frank Turek
Podcast: Stand to Reason (Greg Koukl)
CARM (Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry)