SPRING 2025 CC University CLASSES
The purpose of City Church University is to help God’s people better understand what we believe and why we believe it so that we can engage the ever-changing culture with an unchanging truth. They are a 4 week commitment.
Spring B CC U Classes Begin on Monday, March 24th, 2025.
This course will prepare attendees to think both Biblically and theologically through some of our culture’s “hot button” topics including God's Design for Sexuality, Gender Roles in the Church and Home, The Sanctity of Life from the Womb to the Tomb, and Engaging Spiritual Warfare. Check out the syllabus and sign up below!
City Church University
City Church University is a two-year rotation of 4-week Bible and theology courses that are offered to everyone on Monday nights during the Fall A&B and Spring A&B semesters. The purpose of City Church University is to help God’s people better understand what we believe and why we believe it so that we can engage the ever-changing culture with an unchanging truth.
The two-year rotation of classes focuses on two distinct elements: 1) learning the basics of interpretation as well as the background and basic content of the books of the Bible; 2) forming a theological framework for understanding Who God is and how He works. The desired outcome of these classes is not simply knowledge but also being equipped to be on mission in our culture. Together, we will follow Jesus into the world.
While college students are certainly welcome, this class is for everyone from high school students through legacy adults who want to dive deeper into god’s word, develop a more informed Christian worldview, and not have to go to seminary to do so.
Classes meet during the spring and fall semesters on Monday nights, 6:30 – 8 pm at the church. Click here for a full list of classes.
No. City church university is designed for people to join at any point in the two-year rotation.
Each course costs between $15 and $50, depending upon the cost of the textbooks/resources for the course. The book/resource fee is required in order to be a part of the class but the materials belong to you!
While there can be some lectures in the courses, the bulk of the work will be assigned for you to do on your own (reading, taking notes) and then bring to the class in order to participate in class with other attendees as a table group. The idea is not simply to blast you with information but give you hands-on experience in interpreting biblical passages, thinking through current issues biblically and theologically, and learn in community. Prep time per week outside of class will be around 1-2 hours. Participants in city church university classes will be asked to faithfully attend class and complete assignments throughout the duration of the two-year program in the fall and spring semesters.
Class Rotation
(Mondays, 6:30 pm – 8 pm in Fall/Spring Semesters)
Spring A 2025 Interpreting the Bible
Spring B 2025 Theology & Culture
Fall A 2025 Christian Theology 1
Fall B 2025 Christian Theology 2
Spring A 2026 Introduction to the Old Testament 1
Spring B 2026 Introduction to the Old Testament 2
Fall A 2026 Introduction to the New Testament 1
Fall B 2026. Introduction to the New Testament 2
“...equipping the saints for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God’s son, growing into maturity with a stature measured by Christ’s fullness.” ”