Hey Group Leaders! We are getting our way in to the semester at this point. I hope you are enjoying Hebrews and having some cool conversations about Jesus our great high priest, giver of rest, and sustainer of our faith! He is so incredibly good to us.
This week we will be talking through the eternal security of the Christian and whether or not a believer can lose salvation. I want you to know that at City Church, we absolutely believe that the Christian CANNOT lose salvation once they are truly saved. Hebrews 6 here talks a good bit about this topic. I've added a sound clip here from John Piper directly answering this question. He references Hebrews 6 in his answer and recognizes that it can sometimes be a stumbling block to people in thinking that Christians can lose salvation. We want to be very clear in our conversations this week that we can have full assurance that as believers, we cannot lose the salvation that Jesus accomplished for us. Scripture is clear and Hebrews is clear that this is true. This reality should be greatly comforting and is very much related to the promise of "rest" we discussed last week. We rest in full assurance of what Jesus has accomplished on our behalf. We are called to trust, believe, and repent. See Piper's very helpful answer to this question below: