Greetings Group Leaders,
Attached is next week's discussion guide. Pastor Dean will be deviating from our 1 Corinthians course this week as we visit a psalm of lament that points to trust in God. How appropriate for this time of uncertainty in our lives.
As we have communicated with you all already, we are discouraging groups from meeting in close quarters for 2 weeks. However, we were made to be in community with the body of Christ and while you may not be able to meet in one another's homes, we pray that you will continue to connect creatively with other believers over the coming weeks. The Enemy would love to get a foothold in the lives of believers who have become isolated from their brethren. Here are some ideas to help you connect your group:
Conduct a Google Hangouts/Facetime/Zoom/etc. session during your normal meeting time to read the Word, go through the discussion guide, and pray
For smaller groups, consider asking everyone to bring a lawn chair and sit in your yard or nearby green way (with comfortable distance from each other) to read the Word, go through the discussion guide, and pray
Send the discussion guide to your group members if you cannot meet in some fashion and ask everyone to commit the normal group time to reading the Word, going through the discussion guide, and praying within their household
Come up with some other creative solution that your group wants to implement!
We sent out a guideline earlier on how you can conduct a virtual meeting. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! We are thankful to have you all as the frontline to our discipleship ministry, initiating contact with your group members and caring for one another. If you need anything, let us know.
Joe and Kaylan