City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 1

City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 1

Welcome back Group Leaders! I hope you're ready to dive head first into the fall! We'll spend the first 3 weeks on Community, Growth & Mission before we get into the book of Galatians. This week we'll have a look at Biblical Community together and dig down to what prevents us from experiencing deeper community and more honesty in our relationships with one another. And of course, this week will tie into next week on "GROWTH" as we believe Growth happens best in community, not alone

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: (1) discussion guide on Community (exploring Acts 2, Phil 2 & Phil 2:1-7)  and (2) a document to help you write and share your testimony with your group this week. (See video above) 



City Groups - Fall Plans 2016

City Groups - Fall Plans 2016

Thank you all so much for a great Summer Groups season together! I hope you get some much deserved R & R this August! I'm already hearing some great stories of how the Lord used your groups and your leadership to change lives this summer. Way to go!!!

Be sure to have a look at our "Fall Plans" below.

SAVE THE DATE: SAT AUG 20 (9-noon) Fall City Group Leader Training (For all group leader, co-leaders, apprentices & coaches) 


City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 8

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 8

Hello and Farewell Summer City Group Leaders. This is week #8, the last meeting of our study through Unapologetic.

VIDEO: Our last topic is tactics, taking what we've studied throughout the summer and using it in our conversations with others. In this video Brain utilizes some key questions to start and continue having more effective gospel conversations. 

Also, consider printing out the World Religions Chart below and giving one to each individual in your group. A quick reference covering common beliefs and views held by cults and world religions we will encounter on any given day.

Discussion Guide: UNAPOLOGETIC (7.24.16)

Apologetic Resources regarding Tactics: World Religion Chart

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 7

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 7

Welcome Summer City Group Leaders!  It is week #7 of our study through Unapologetic.

VIDEO: Homosexuality is an issue that is front and center in today’s society.  These days it is almost impossible as a Christian to check out of the discussion.  While society at large wants to make homosexuality a question about identity and personal choice, we as Christ’s followers must be the bearers of the Gospel’s message of hope and love that truly gives us our identity.

Discussion Guide: UNAPOLOGETIC (7.17.16)

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 6

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 6

Welcome Summer City Group Leaders!  This is week #6 of our study through Unapologetic.

VIDEO: This week we explore another two important topics that come up frequently in conversations today; as they both have far reaching ramifications. First, the notion of 'blind' faith, a miss-applied assumption about Christian faith. Second, evolution, a topic we need to be knowledgeable about and ready to discuss with people. Oftentimes, our lost friends want to discuss evolution way before talking further about the Bible or our faith. Are we ready?

Discussion Guide: UNAPOLOGETIC (7.10.16)

Apologetic Resources regarding Evolution:

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 5

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 5

Welcome Summer City Group Leaders!  We are now in week #5 of our study through Unapologetic.

VIDEO: This week we explore two important topics in our present day social and politically charged environment. First, tolerance, a concept that has recently taken on a very different meaning. Second, abortion, a difficult and emotional topic that God's Word shines both hope and truth upon.  

Discussion Guide: UNAPOLOGETIC (6.26.16)

Abortion Recovery/Healing Group: 1 in 4 women under the age of 45 have had 1 or more abortions. Be aware that it is likely people in your group have experienced or been hurt by the loss of a child from abortion.  Help hurting people find help and healing through through the an Abortion Recovery/Healing Group...hosted by our partner ministry A Women's Pregnancy Center.

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 4

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 4

Hello Summer City Group Leaders!  This is week #4 of our study through Unapologetic.

VIDEO: This week's video explores an event absolutely core to the Gospel, the Resurrection. It is important for Christians to understand and be able to examine and explain the arguments for and against this Miracle.

Discussion Guide: UNAPOLOGETIC (6.26.16)

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 3

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 3

Welcome Summer City Group Leaders! We are in week #3 of our study through Unapologetic.

VIDEO: This week's video asks the question of, "how can we trust the Bible?" Not just because we feel it is true but as trustworthy, accurate, and authoritative collection of historical documents.  

Discussion Guide: UNAPOLOGETIC (6.19.16)

Extra Resources: 

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 2

City Groups - Summer 2016- Unapologetic Week 2

Hello Summer Group Leaders!!!! It's Week #2 and we are off and running! 

VIDEO: This weeks video will focus on dealing with the "Problem of Evil & the use of the Moral Argument". This topic will be especially important for people in your groups in light of the recent shooting in Orlando a few days ago. Be ready!

Don't forget to read chapter 5 in Unapologetic this week if you haven't already!

Discussion Guide: UNAPLOGETIC (6.12.16)

Extra Resources: The Bible on the Problem of Evil by John Frame

City Groups Summer 2016 - Unapologetic - Week 1

City Groups Summer 2016 - Unapologetic - Week 1

Hey Summer Group Leaders! I hope you're ready to dive head first into "Unapologetic" as we explore with our groups how to more effectively defend our Christian convictions and share the gospel with our lost friends. Its going to be a fun ride!

VIDEO: Each week we will post a 10 minute video for you to share with your City Group that will accompany the discussion guide. So have a computer or iPad ready in your group to air the video. You will see in the discussion guide when to show the video. This weeks video will answer the question "Is there a God?" and the "Doctrine of the trinity". Enjoy!

Don't forget to read chapters 4 & 10 this week if you haven't already!

Discussion Guide: UNAPOLOGETIC (6.5.16)

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Daniel 8

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Daniel 8

Last week of groups and last week of Bryan! Take some time to reflect on the spring semester and some of the things you have learned from the book of Daniel together. Dean will still be finishing the book on Sundays, but after this week, groups are over until June 5.

TRAINING DATE UPDATE: A scheduling conflict has caused us to move the summer groups training to SATURDAY, MAY 14 @ 9 AM-11:30 AM. This training will be a seminar/intro intro to the book Unapologetic. In order to successfully lead your summer group through this material, you definitely want to make plans to attend. We will send an E-Vite out beginning next week. Childcare will be provided.


Discussion Guide 4.24.16

Warren Wiersbe on Daniel 8

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Daniel 7

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Daniel 7

Sorry that you don't get to see my face this week. I'm sure that you all will survive :)

Daniel is the one having dreams now. He sees visions of 4 beasts that are raised up over the course of human history and then conquered. The beasts represent different kingdoms. One of the kingdoms is stronger than the others and conquers the rest. The last kingdom speaks “words against the Most High,” and it will “wear out the saints” and will seek to “change the times and the law.” (Daniel 7:25). The reign of tyranny will not last. This kingdom is easily overcome by the Son of Man, Jesus Christ. His kingdom “will be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.” (Daniel 7:27).

The ways that the people of God are treated in this vision is very relevant to us. We don’t know when this last kingdom will occur, nor do we know if we are in it right now. However, we can anticipate a lot of the same things that are happening right now to Christians to only get worse. I think this is why Daniel was alarmed in v. 28 because he knows what is coming for God’s people. It certainly is worrisome, but we have hope in the complete power of our King Jesus who will finally eliminate all evil and tyranny in his eternal kingdom. That is what we hope for in Christ.


Discussion Guide 4.17.16

Warren Wiersbe on Daniel 7 (You'll definitely want to read this)

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Daniel 6 (part 2)

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Daniel 6 (part 2)

Hi Group Leaders! This summer we are going through the book Unapologetic by Brian Seagraves. Brian is an Owner at our church and the book addresses many difficult questions about Christianity and defending your own faith. We are considering having a weekly class on this book facilitated by Brian Seagraves and Craig Stewart. We believe it would be incredibly beneficial to utilize Brian in a sort of introductory session for each week's content in a Sunday morning class (30-45 min) during/before/after one of the services. Some apologetics content can be difficult and we want to make sure that we resource each of you in the best way possible. However, we would only want to organize this it would work with your schedules.


Discussion Guide 4.10.16

Warren Wiersbe on Daniel 6 (repeated from last week)

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Week 12

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Week 12

We are walking through the first portion of the chapter this week and we will hit the second half next week. Daniel is now an old man dealing with a new king and he is living just as faithfully as he did in his teens. Daniel spent his entire life serving foreign kings but remaining devout to the true and living God. This unyielding faith gets him into some trouble again in this chapter.

Discussion Guide 4.3.16

Warren Wiersbe - Daniel 6

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Easter Week

Can you tell we are excited that Easter is here! We hope you have spent time in prayer for this incredibly meaningful weekend to us as Christians. Jesus went through the brutal torture and death on a cross. He carried the weight of our sins there. His death atoned for our sins and his resurrection proved He is God! We are grateful to receive such an wonderful gift of salvation. 

We don't have a discussion guide this week, per se, however during your fun nights and/or serve nights, consider walking through these five major passages between Jesus' resurrection and ascension while on Earth. No questions are provided. Consider simply walking through these passages and reflecting on some of the main points together.

Discussion Guide 3.27.16 - Easter

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Outsiders week 10

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Outsiders week 10

Daniel 5 this week. King Belshazzar sees a hand with no body writing his judgment on a wall. It terrifies him, rightly so. The sovereign God of creation is not to be trifled with. Daniel calls him to repentance, but unfortunately, he does not heed Daniel's rebuke. 

We will NOT have a discussion guide next week (after Easter) so plan for that with your groups and consider doing a serve night or a fun night together. Please do your best not to cancel your groups. 

Discussion Guide 3.20.16

Warren Wiersbe on Daniel

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Week 9

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Week 9

This week is Daniel 4 where Nebuchadnezzar gets the smackdown. God causes him to become beast like, even growing really long hair and fingernails. This was humiliating for Nebuchadnezzar because he thought he was the ultimate ruler in his universe. He certainly thought wrong. 

Discussion Guide Week 9 (Daniel 4) 3.13.16

Warren Wiersbe Outline - Daniel 4

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Week 8

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Week 8

We are in Daniel chapter 3 this week. This is the account of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego with the fiery furnace. This week is all about idolatry. In groups, we want to land on identifying and destroying idols of the heart. These sorts of discussions get me pumped up because I think they have so much power! God is in the business of destroying idols and so often we allow our hearts to be captured by them. Let's destroy idols this week and glorify God and worship him in doing so!

Discussion Guide - Daniel 3 (week 8)

Warren Wiersbe - Daniel 3

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Week 7

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Week 7

Hello crew! Dean is going to be spending a bit more time in Daniel 2 and touching on the beginning of chapter 3 this week. We won't be going into chapter 3 in City Groups though. I don't have any additional resources on Daniel 2 because the Wiersbe outline and commentary from last week should suffice. I've gone ahead and reposted that below. So just to be clear, below is the same resource from last week if you would like a refresher :)

Discussion Guide - Outsiders 3

Warren Wiersbe - Daniel 2

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Week 6

City Groups - Spring 2016 - Week 6

Welcome to Daniel chapter 2. This week gets super interesting as we are introduced to the eternal Kingdom of God. Daniel prophesies about the Kingdom of God that is to come and no worldly kingdom will prevail against it. We know the kingdom as ruled by King Jesus. He is our Lord and Savior and we swear allegiance to Him. His kingdom is eternal and it will never end!

Discussion Guide - Outsiders 2 (week 6)

Warren Wiersbe's outline and commentary on Daniel 2

John Piper on The Kingdom of God