City Groups Update!

Hello Friends!

Here are a few updates:
- Our Summer City Groups will begin meeting June 3rd.
- We will also be having City Group Leader Training on Sat. May 19 from 9-12 at Sessions Campus. 

Finally, please continue reading and encouraging your group members to explore our Mark Devos as Dean continues our Mark series through May. Excited for the break/rest, and excited to get back in the action in June! For the Gospel, and for the City.

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 15

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 15

It's our last week of City Groups for the Spring. Well done group leaders! 

This week we will hear the voice of a blind man calling to Jesus, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" And He did. "Go your way; your faith has made you well." Jesus hears and takes time to heal a blind man in a crowd while leaving Jericho. He stopped and listened to that humble, needy, cry for help. Jesus extends God's love and mercy to the least of these. In the group of people there, it was the blind man that was given his physical sight because of his spiritual sight- his faith in Christ. Unlike the rich young ruler, or James and John previously in Mark chapter 10, blind Bartimaeous was the only one really seeing straight. 


Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 14

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 14

We are in Week 14 of our Spring study in Mark! In these passages Jesus illuminates that His (and our) greatest role, is to serve. "Whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you will be a slave to all."  What a mind blowing epiphany: the ruler of the universe, the very Word by which all was created, (by far the greatest among us) calls us to follow His example and to serve.

 "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”


Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 13

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 13

Welcome back City Group Leaders! This week we pick back up with Jesus in Mark 10. He encounters a rich, young man who had everything but eternal life. Jesus pinpoints his idol (money), which is one of the most alluring temptations for all of us. The young man went away sad because he would not give up his precious hard-earned cash.

"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?" - Mark 8:36

Following Jesus is a full surrender to a conquering king; a non-negotiable deal. Neither that wealthy young man, nor any of us can ever be good enough to earn heaven or bring any terms to the bargaining table. Following Jesus, is a perpetual 'yes' to whatever God would call us to give or do. Challenge your groups to consider what Jesus would have them give up or boldly do to follow Him fully in life. 

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 12

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 12

This week is little different than normal.

For those of you who canvassed last week, go ahead and lead your group through our Resurrection Discussion Guide & video on this page.  (skipping the announcements section since it will be after Easter when you do it) 

For those of you who already led your group through the Resurrection Discussion Guide before get a FUN NIGHT this week! (To be clear, there is no new discussion guide for the week after Easter. We will all catch up this week and get back into Dean's preaching through the Gospel of Mark in April. 

Christ is risen... get ready to celebrate!

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 11

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 11

Easter-is-a-coming!!! What an exciting week- Prayer @ the Capitol (Monday), Neighborhood Canvassing, Good Friday Service at Ruby Diamond and then Easter at the Civic Center! Our discussion guide this week will focus on the reliability of the resurrection of Christ and His triumph over sin and death. Lets also keep our groups focussed on who they can invite to Easter at the Civic Center (and note that I added a special time of prayer at the end of your guide specifically for you to break up into groups of three and pray for lost friends, family, co-workers and neighbors.). He is risen... get ready to celebrate!

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 10

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 10

Welcome to Week 10 Group Leaders! Jesus declared, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Even that snotty nosed, screaming toddler, demanding to be held by mom or dad? Yes. Observe that simple faith, child-like trust, straightforward speech, black & white thinking and unashamed affection that a child has for their parents. This has Kingdom importance! Children make for an interesting commentary on our own relationship as children of God. Kids are intrinsically valuable to God. This week in City Groups, let Jesus teach us about His Kingdom, by basically sitting a child in the middle of the room. 

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 9

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 9

We are in Week 9! This week we'll be learning about what Jesus taught on marriage and divorce. These teachings of Jesus are timeless and yet especially needed in today in our confused culture. Jesus makes it clear that we are all to honor marriage. This might be an emotional discussion in your group, for almost everyone has been touched in some form by divorce in their lives. Lead your groups with sensitivity, grace and truth. 

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 8

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 8

Welcome back City Group Leaders! This week we'll find Jesus using shocking imagery to get his point across to the disciples. Millstones, amputations and hell-fire, oh my! Jesus calls his disciples to purse holiness and repent of sins daily, with 'amputation seriousness'. Oh how we need this teaching more than ever in our southern comfort, grace-abusing, casual-Christianity culture! May the vivid words of Jesus wake us up, and free us to follow Christ in every aspect of life. 

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 7

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 7

Welcome group leaders to week 7...where we get a sneak peak into the inner circle of Jesus. We'll find him on a road trip with his disciples and then huddled in a room teaching about his death, and what it means to be great in the Kingdom of God. Our world and our flesh often define greatness by power, prestige and popularity. But not so with Jesus! "If anyone would be first, he must be last and the servant of all." 

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 6

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 6

Welcome back to week 6; where we find Jesus coming down the mountain of transfiguration and walking right into a hot mess. Demon-possession, arguments, confusion and a faithless generation. Oh how we need Jesus! This week, we'll learn that even tiny faith in Jesus is far better than huge faith in anyone or anything else. Guide your group members through how Jesus dealt with all this and what we are to learn and apply to our lives.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 5

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 5

Welcome back to week 5; we are delving into a turning point in the Gospel of Mark. Here the purpose of what Jesus is here for -to die, that we may live- becomes starkly clear with the transfiguration. Imagine, seeing and hearing the Glory of God (shown through Jesus) and the very voice of God (and then being told not to tell anyone!).

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 4

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 4

We're diving back into the Gospel of Mark for the rest of the Spring! We'll pick back up in chapter 8, where Jesus asks the most important question in the world, "Who do you say that I am?". Lead your group through a discussion on the identity of Christ and what it means for each of us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus on a daily basis. (Also, alongside our study in Mark we have put together Mark Devotionals for people read during the week as well)

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 3

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 3

Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality … yikes! These can be heavy, divisive, and extraordinarily misunderstood topics in todays social and political environments. But they are much more than hot-button topics for debate. Marriage, gender and sexuality are deeply meaningful and all three created by God with distinct clarity and purpose. This week, we will learn about what the Bible teaches on these topics and also discuss how to talk about them without diminishing His design or His love.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 2

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 2

One of our core values at City Church is being, "Devoted to Making Disciples". This is a passion of ours and this week, we are focusing specifically on that value, which comes directly from the Great Commission in Matthew 28. These are the marching orders for the Church; directly from our King Jesus. But what are disciples and how do we make them? There is no better place to look than Jesus Himself. 

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 1

City Groups Spring '18 - Week 1

Welcome back Group Leaders! As the new year begins, it is a great time to reflect on our lives in Christ.  As followers of Jesus we are called to continually grow more like Christ, yet often “life” gets in the way. As we begin anew, let us take a moment to consider what our spiritual growth plan will be for 2018.  Use the resources on the GROW PAGE to assist your group members. What an exciting time to refresh and continue on our walk with Christ.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


City Groups December 2017

During the month of December we are celebrating Advent, the anticipated coming of the Promised One. Join us in a daily devotional study, to prepare our hearts for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Encourage your City Group members to go through this Advent Devotional each day leading up to Christmas. Send out thoughts, reflections and encouragement to each other as you go through it together. 

This devotional is meant to be shared with friends and City Group members, but with a special emphasis on families. We want to encourage parents to lead their children through the activities designed for all ages to participate. We are excited to prepare for and celebrate the coming of Christ as a church family.

City Groups Fall '17 - Week 11

City Groups Fall '17 - Week 11

Thanksgiving and Christmas are upon us! What an extraordinary time to celebrate God's generosity towards us by similarly being generous towards others with our time, talents, and treasure. With the Thanksgiving holiday, this will be a busy week for most groups, but try to meet if possible (what a great time for a pot luck or donating a meal). Happy Thanks and Giving.

Resources for this week:

City Groups Fall '17 - Week 10

City Groups Fall '17 - Week 10

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It's amazing to realize that the Bible declares we are ambassadors for Christ. What a thought, what a responsibility!  But this is more than a job or title. It is a lifestyle and a privilege. This week we are studying 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2 and reflecting on what it means to be on mission as Jesus' representatives in each and every moment. 

Resources for this week:

  • The Radical Question Booklet (Please encourage everyone in your group to read their booklet this week. )

City Groups Fall '17 - Week 9

City Groups Fall '17 - Week 9

Ordinary Logo.png

Welcome City Group leaders; we are beginning a new sermon series called 'Ordinary'. We will be exploring what it means to live out God's definition of Christianity, even if it differs from the norms of society. This week we look at Romans 12:1 and the ordinary means of worship. What is worship? Is it limited to singing on Sunday morning or is there more?


Resources for this week:

  • The Radical Question Booklet (will be handed out this Sunday after each service for everyone. Pick one up and encourage everyone in your group to read their booklet this month. )