Groups Summer '21 - Week 3

Greetings leaders,

As we continue in the minor prophets, we are reminded that God is faithful to His chosen people even when His people are unfaithful to Him. He judges sin but just as equally extends the gracious and merciful gift of redemption to His people. Praise God!

Another reminder to visit to view the schedule for our summer term Equip classes and to sign up for childcare if needed.

We are praying for you all and are thankful for your faithfulness in serving our Lord!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Summer '21 - Week 2

Greetings leaders,

Over the coming weeks as we spend time in the minor prophets, we will see followers of God who are living faithfully in the midst of cultures that openly oppose God. Our prayer is that these testimonies will encourage us to continue to reflect our holy God as we find ourselves in the midst of a culture that openly opposes God.

Please communicate with your City Group attendees that Equip Classes start this Sunday. Visit to view the schedule for our summer term and to sign up for childcare if needed.

We are praying for you all and are thankful for your faithfulness in serving our Lord!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Summer '21 - Week 1

Greetings leaders,

We trust that the time off we had in May was a time of recharging for you in the midst of your faithful service to City Church. We enjoyed the time we were able to spend with those in attendance at our City Group leader appreciation dinner and certainly missed those who were unable to attend!

Groups start back up this coming week as we spend time in Ezekiel. In the midst of visions, oracles, and prophecies that we see in this book, we are overwhelmed with the reminder that God is graciously and mercifully at work in the lives of His people and He does not forget His covenant promises for His holy name's sake. Lamentations 3:22-23 is the perfect summation of this truth: "Because of the Lord's faithful love, we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness!"

You will receive more information soon, but we wanted to go ahead and put Equip classes on your radar. Starting June 13 and running through July 18, our Equip classes for the 2021 summer term will focus on Christian men and women throughout history and how their faithfulness and work impacts us today. RSVPs will be coming your way and we'd love for you to go ahead and put this on the radar of your group attendees.

We look forward to how the Lord will graciously grow our church this summer and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 17

Greetings Leaders,

A few important announcements and reminders:

  • We are entering our last week of City Groups before we break for the month of May. We will resume meeting for the months of June and July. If there are any changes for your group during the summer session, please let us know.

  • We have our City Group Leader Appreciation Dinner on May 21st. You can find more information and RSVP here.

  • On April 29th, we will be having a workshop at Sessions Rd. on matters regarding gender and sexuality. We will have lunch provided for those who RSVP here.

  • Lastly, this Sunday is our last Equip class for the Spring Session. The topic will be evangelism. We'd love for you or your group members to attend! If you require childcare, please RSVP here by Saturday.

This week, we will be spending time in the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. This wisdom literature truly has much to offer us and we are looking forward to our time in these books.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 16

Greetings leaders,

The book of Psalms is more than a book of songs. Referred by Martin Luther as a “mini-bible”, the Psalms reflects on the emotional and spiritual struggles of the God’s people while in wait for the coming Messiah. In the Psalms, the Holy Spirit inspired what John Calvin describes as “all the griefs, sorrows, fears, misgivings, hopes, care … all the disquieting emotion with which the minds of men are wont”. While we read and sing the Psalms, we see psalms that are psalms of lament and we are invited to share in that lament, reflecting on the cost of sin that lead to psalms of confession. But as we read psalms of praise, we are also invited to respond with thanks to God, who is worthy of praise, and for the Messiah (King Jesus) in whom all hope and salvation is found.

A big thanks to Michael Strickland for the work he put into this discussion guide that serves us well as we take a look at this marvelous book.

We have two weeks left in our Equip series as we take time to study the Church and evangelism. Please continue to point your groups towards these opportunities for equipping us in our growth.

We are extremely thankful for you all!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 15

Week 15Greetings leaders,

We are praising the Lord for His Word going forth on Easter weekend and for the conversations that are being had as a result. We know that many of you are involved in such conversations and we are continuing to pray for you all as the Lord uses you. If you have need of any resources as you have these conversations, please let us know!

We are excited to be diving back into our The Whole Story series this Sunday morning as we take a look at the book of Job. While we often focus on the suffering aspect of this narrative, the book reminds us that most importantly God is of infinitely more value than anything we can own or experience on this earth and it that truth that sustains us through trials and tribulations. We realize many difficult questions can arise from this book so don't hesitate to reach out to us if you require any resources or assistance.

We are thankful for your faithfulness!

Joe and KaylanWeek 15Greetings leaders,

We are praising the Lord for His Word going forth on Easter weekend and for the conversations that are being had as a result. We know that many of you are involved in such conversations and we are continuing to pray for you all as the Lord uses you. If you have need of any resources as you have these conversations, please let us know!

We are excited to be diving back into our The Whole Story series this Sunday morning as we take a look at the book of Job. While we often focus on the suffering aspect of this narrative, the book reminds us that most importantly God is of infinitely more value than anything we can own or experience on this earth and it that truth that sustains us through trials and tribulations. We realize many difficult questions can arise from this book so don't hesitate to reach out to us if you require any resources or assistance.

We are thankful for your faithfulness!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 14

Greetings Leaders,

This time of year one of the songs you can regularly hear in the Thigpen house is the modern hymn "Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery." The lyrics are rich and it's message powerful. It helps focus us on the resurrection and God's plan to gather his children through the now finished work of Jesus' sacrifice.

As people of the resurrection, our hope is secure. I love the way this hymn puts it...

What a foretaste of deliverance
How unwavering our hope
Christ in power resurrected
As we will be when he comes

If you'd like to hear the whole song, here's a LINK.

I pray that no matter what this past year has brought for you, your family, and friends that your hope is fixed on Jesus this Easter season. He is our hope. He is our peace.

This week our discussions focus on the resurrection of Jesus, how it secures our hope, makes us dead to sin, and enables us to fight sin while we await Jesus' coming again. Let's be encouraged brothers and sisters. Jesus is risen and he will come again. Let's look to him together.

In Him,

Groups Spring '21 - Week 13

Greetings Leaders,

This Sunday and next we're breaking from the Whole Story series. This weekend we'll have a guest preacher and next is Easter!

That said, we're taking this time recap some of the themes of our study through the Bible so far. This coming week we'll recap God's covenants to his people and how they demonstrate God's work to create, redeem, establish, and gather his people.

Also, please spend some time in your groups praying for our Easter gatherings. Pray that we'd see people come to know Jesus.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 12

After a long exile, what happened when God's people gathered again in the land? The Scriptures were read and they worshiped God who gathered them again. Here we are in Ezra and Nehemiah where the nation of Israel comes back into the land after being taken captive. God's people hear his word, worship, weep, and repent.

So much to consider in these passages. A big thank you to one of our Elders, Matt Strenth for getting this guide together. We’ve already been helped by it and pray that you and your groups will be as well.

Thank you for your faithfulness. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 11

As we spend time in the historical books concerning the nation of Israel, we often experience a wide array of emotions. We celebrate as God’s people choose to follow Him, but this is often coupled with disappointment as we see some of those same leaders make bad decisions. As we consider such passages, it's important to remember that while there is not a single human that can perfectly follow and lead others in godly living, ultimately one day there will be a faithful and righteous King who will lead His people in worship of God for all of eternity.

We are praying for your time together in Chronicles this week. As a reminder, our next three Equip classes will be held March 14, March 28, and April 11. These classes are so important in the life of the local church as we will be addressing our response to and how we deal with sin. You can sign up for childcare here: Please share with your group members!

Grateful for you all!
Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 10

Greetings Group Leaders,

Kingdoms rise and they fall. As we will see, Israel was no exception. What began as a kingdom of great promise was later divided and destroyed. However, God would raise up prophets to point his people to a ruler who would come to set things right. A King whose reign would know no end.

Our discussion this week will observe the establishment of Solomon as king over God's people. In Solomon we see both the promise of God's kingship and the sin that would lead to the downfall of God's people. Though he failed, Solomon and the books of 1 & 2 Kings help point us to our great King, Jesus by seeing how his reign is righteous and perfect.

We hope you're well served by this guide and ensuing discussion.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 9

Greetings leaders,

We are so grateful for your continued faithfulness as you disciple others in our church. As we continue in our Bible in a Year program, we will be spending time in 1 & 2 Samuel this week. We are reminded that God is sovereign and will accomplish His will, but sin does have consequences. May we be people who have hearts that desire to honor our Heavenly Father and not people of empty and vain actions.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 8

Greetings Leaders,

As we spend time in Judges and Ruth this week, our desire is that our local Body would be awed and humbled and grateful that the holy God of the universe chooses to be ever faithful despite the unfaithfulness of His people. Even in the just correction of His people, He is still faithfully gracious, merciful, and loving. The words in Lamentations 3 ring so true: "Because of the Lord's faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is His faithfulness!"

If you are able to take a moment to do so, we'd love for you to send a reminder email to those in your City Groups this weekend as this Sunday kicks off our next round of Equip classes. This semester, we will explore the means God gives us to commune with him and grow into the likeness of Christ. We’ll discuss how to read the Bible, pray, examine ourselves, and live on mission by sharing the Gospel with others. You can check out this semester's schedule and sign up for childcare here.

Thank you for your faithfulness to serve and disciple others! We are very appreciative of you!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 7

Dear Group Leaders,

We’re praying for you and your groups. Joshua can be a difficult book to discuss, however we’re confident that you and your groups will be enriched by it. In it we see God's faithfulness yet again in keeping his promises to his people. We also see is wrath and severity toward sin. He shows much mercy to his people and Rahab who ultimately point us to Jesus who took our penalty and bore our shame. What great grace we've received!

We are so grateful for you.

Please let us know if you have questions or feedback.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 6

"Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be
Great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me."

What a beautiful hymn to sum up the theme of Deuteronomy!!! Praise God for His faithfulness in spite of our frequent faithlessness. We pray that your groups are encouraged as we sit in this magnificent truth this week with the discussion guide.

We are incredibly grateful for you all. Please know we are always here to assist you and are happy to point you towards resources or helps as we work through the Scriptures together as a church.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 5

Greetings leaders,

Did you know that Leviticus is referenced over 40 times in the New Testament? Theologian Mark Rooker once said, "It behooves the New Testament believer to give more attention to this book, for we base our eternal destinies on the one of whom Leviticus loudly speaks." It is because of this truth that we approach a study of Leviticus with grateful and excited hearts.

We cannot have a proper Biblical theology without Leviticus because it tackles the significant issue of how God's people can maintain a relationship with the holy God of the universe. It is our prayer that we are humbled and awed by God's holiness and respond with grateful hearts for He has always made a way for sinful man to commune with Him. What tender, loving kindness characterizes our Father!!!!

We are grateful for your faithfulness in serving others and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Joe & Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 4

"With a mighty hand and an outstretched arm"

Greeting City Group Leaders,

The phrase above characterizes much of God's redemptive work in the book of Exodus. We read that "with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm" God saved his people from slavery in Egypt. What's striking about this rescue is the means he used to do so and what these means point to.

With much expectation, we come to the book of Exodus. A big thanks to John Wells for getting this guide together. I'm praying it will be enriching to you and your group as we see God's intention in ordaining the first Passover to point to our true passover lamb who delivers us from slavery to sin and death.

Joe & Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 3

We are excited to be diving in to Genesis this week because without the foundation of Genesis, we can't fully understand the rest of the Bible! We see that Satan and sin are absolutely powerless against God's eternal plan which was established from "before the foundation of the world."

It is our desire that this study on the covenantal promise God made with Adam and then Abraham and his descendants encourages your group and propels us towards praise of our sovereign and gracious Father. If you or those in your group enjoy listening to podcasts, we’ve attached the link below to a great episode from the ministry of 9 Marks on Genesis 1-3. Feel free to share with members in your group!

If you have any questions or needs, please reach out to us. We are so grateful for your faithfulness!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 2

Greetings All,

We hope your groups are off to a great start! Attached is the guide for next week. This is the second week of introduction/overview discussions. The following week, we will dive in to Genesis.

Our passage for this week is Luke 24 which helps us understand the key to understanding the Old Testament - spoiler - it points us to Jesus. I pray this discussion and study is fruitful for you and your groups.

We will be having our first "City Group Connection Point" this Sunday following the 11:00pm service. We're starting these to help people in our church get connected to City Groups. You will hear more about these as we build them, but if you are around following the 11:00 service, please stop by.

We’re grateful for you all. Please let me know how we can best serve you.

Joe & Kaylan

Groups Spring '21 - Week 1

Greetings Springs 2021 City Group Leaders,

It's here! Spring groups start this Sunday January 3rd. This will mark our first week in working through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation over the next year.

To get things started we've drafted the discussion guide to focus on a passage that call us to reflect on what the scriptures are. This and next week will be discussions that get us warmed up to make it through each book of the Bible this year. After these first two week's we'll work through select passages from most books of the Bible.

As you'll note in the guide, please take some time in your groups to pray for this year. Pray that God would use it to strengthen and group our church. We’re hopeful about what this year will bring.

Joe and Kaylan