Connect with CityCHurch

We’d love to meet you and help you connect here at City Church! Simply fill out the short form below and someone from our Connections Team will follow up with you to help you take your best next step at CITYCHURCH!



Connect Class takes place on the first Sunday of every month. Click on a date below to RSVP for an upcoming class.

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Your next step starts here!

Connect Class is the best way to take your next step at City Church. We would love to meet you at our next class and help you make connections and find where you fit best here at City Church! You can sign up by selecting one of the dates listed. Lunch and childcare are provided, and advance registration is requested.

Connect classes take place on the first Sunday of every month.

Select one of the dates above to confirm time and location for that month's Connect Class. If you have any additional questions, please contact our Connections Director, Andi Ratliff,