J e s u s, SON
W E D N E S D A Y 3 | 27 | 19
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Imagine you have sat on the shore of Galilee with Jesus, handing out loaves of bread and fish. Imagine you have watched him perform many signs and wonders. Suddenly, you realize that in this man you have seen the very image of the invisible God, in whom the “whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” (Colossians 2:9). No one had ever seen God, but just hours before His death Christ said to His disciples, “whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9).
Only the One sent by God from God could say such things.
Only the Son of God could say such things.
Throughout Jesus’ life and ministry, He spoke often about His submission to the will of the Father, about having been given authority by the Father, and about being sent by the Father. All that Christ did was out of obedience to the Father.
He perfectly submitted to the Father by coming to the world, by fulfilling the law and righteousness, and by dying on the cross. In fact, in one of the most intense passages in the Bible, Jesus views all that awaits him – betrayal, beatings, abandonment, nails, a cross, loneliness, death – and appeals to this Father in heaven to “remove this cup” from him. Yet, showing profound submission to God’s will, He cries, with sweat drops like blood down his face, “not my will but yours be done.”
Even on the cross, when Jesus could have spoken one word to rain down an army of angels on His accusers to save His own life, He remained faithful and obedient to the Father to the point of death. He was the silent Lamb being slaughtered. It is because of the Son’s obedience to the Father that we have the gift of eternal life. Had Jesus not been the perfect Son of God, redemption for our sins would be impossible. Because Jesus is the Son of God, we can know Him and we can know the Father.