Pray: Humbly ask God for wisdom. Ask Him to teach you as you read the following section of the Bible.

Read: Ephesians 6:18-23

Paul closes his letter with some general instructions and personal benedictions. It’s pretty incredible to think that after all his instruction on doctrine, who we are in God, how we should respond to those truths and walk in the gospel of Christ, that Paul concludes like this, “Pray at all times in the Spirit.”

Because God has chosen us, because He has redeemed us, because of our calling we have to walk and live the gospel. Paul asks us to tap into that ultimate well of strength, hope, and grace that we need to do so- prayer to the only Sovereign, the One who can affect the changes we desperately need. We are given several instructions on how we are to pray:

·      Pray “at all times”

·      Pray “in the Spirit”

·      Pray that we may “be alert”

·      Pray with “perseverance”

·      Pray to “intercede on the behalf of others”

 The results of praying always, directed by God’s will and in His Spirit, is that we are intimately involved in God’s movement in this world and the hurts and needs of His people. We are alert and aware of the struggles going on all around us. We see the needs and intercede constantly on their behalf. We persevere in our prayers for others instead of just throwing a hail Mary and moving on with our day. That sort of prayer life deepens our faith, connects us with God, connects us with others, and changes us as much as it changes the world around us.

Reflection Questions: 

1.    How do you think praying constantly and expectantly for the needs of others will affect your relationship with God?

2.    How do you think praying constantly and expectantly for the needs of others will affect your relationship with others?

3.    How do you think praying constantly and expectantly for the needs of others will affect you?

Memorize: Ephesians 6:18

Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert in this with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.