A short-term trip typically lasts 1-3 weeks, and is a great way to experience living on mission in an international context.

What is the value of a short-term trip?

Short-term trips can serve numerous purposes:

  • Utilize spiritual gifts, God-given abilities, and skills and training to love others outside of Tallahassee. Practically, short-term trips may include activities such as helping to build a church, serving at a medical clinic, engaging with children in orphanages, or canvasing neighborhoods to invite people to a local church.
  • Explore a location where God may be calling you to serve long-term. A short-term trip may help answer a question like this: "There is a stirring in my heart to move to London, but is it just me wanting to be there because I like the city? Is the Lord leading me to go?"
  • Grow in your spiritual walk with God. Serving others internationally is humbling -- it will remind you how blessed you are to live in America, as well as challenge you to make sacrifices in order to love those in need.