City Church internship

2021 - 2022

Purpose: The City Church Intern program is a 9-month church based training program that exists to develop those who are exploring a call to ministry, or who want to learn more about day-to-day ministry in the local church. This program has a narrow focus on hands-on ministry experience, giving participants the opportunity to explore a specific area of church ministry and play an important part in serving and discipling others. 

Interns will also receive intentional training and development from ministry directors and leaders, to help them develop important skills and foundations that are necessary for gospel ministry both vocationally and throughout the Christian life.  

Who Should Apply: Any person between the ages of 18 and 25 who is exploring a call to ministry through the local church. A desire to serve full-time in vocational ministry is not required to apply; the internship is meant to help clarify perspective and provide direction by giving the intern direct access and understanding of what day to day ministry work looks like within one specific local church context. The goal of the intern program is to develop and equip young men and women to serve the church faithfully in a variety of capacities for the sake of seeing God’s kingdom grow. 

When to Apply: Applications open March 1, 2021, and close March 29, 2021. Please submit all applications by the end of the day on March 29, and wait at least one week before hearing any follow-up as we process applications.

Structure of Internship: The City Church Intern program runs from September to the following May, roughly following the academic calendar of local universities. If a student is only able to commit for one semester, he or she should not apply until a later time when committing to the entire term is possible. However, volunteer opportunities may be discussed in lieu of an internship, that still provide extra opportunity for serving and learning within a ministry area. 

The internship requires ten hours per week from the participant, and schedules will be finalized between intern and ministry director. Every internship will look different as the intern and ministry director work together to design a program that fits. 

Costs: The City Church Intern program is free to apply, and no financial compensation is provided to interns. Any materials related to development such as books or other supplies will be covered by City Church.

Possible Areas of Focus: Interns may be placed in any of the following ministry departments: Discipleship, KiDS, Youth, City Church U, Connections and Guest Services, Administrative Operations, Music, Communications & Graphic Design, and Care. Fit will be based upon conversations with the intern, ministry experience desired, and availability of a director to oversee an internship.

Questions and More Information: Please email Ashlyn Portero with questions about the intern program: