Day 1 — Palm Sunday
Theme: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry
Read: Matthew 21:1-11, Zechariah 9:9
Say: On Palm Sunday, we celebrate when Jesus rode on a donkey into Jerusalem for the Passover celebration. The people waved palm branches and praised Him as King, shouting “Hosanna!” (which means “save now”). Jesus was God’s promised Messiah who came to save the world from sin!
Ask: How can we praise Jesus as King today?
Pray: Thank you God for sending Jesus to be our King and to save us from our sins. Help us to praise you today and every day!
Do: Go outside on a nature walk and find a large leaf that could have been used to praise Jesus on Palm Sunday. Sing a song of worship in praise to Jesus as you wave your leaves around.
Suggested Song: Hosanna Rock.