
Day 7 – Saturday

Theme: Jesus was in the tomb

Read: Mark 15:42-47

Say: After Jesus died, some of His followers took his body, wrapped it in linen cloth, laid him in a tomb, and rolled a stone in front of the entrance to the tomb. At this time His followers did not know that he would come back to life in a few short days!

Ask: How do you think Jesus’ followers felt when he died and was placed in the tomb?  How do you feel when you are sad and don’t know what is going to happen? What can we do when we feel sad and confused?

Pray: Dear God, thank you that Jesus paid the price for our sins when He died on the cross. Thank you that we know he did not stay dead, but was raised to life to show that sin and death have been defeated! We look forward to celebrating His resurrection tomorrow!

Do: Decorate Easter Eggs together as a family. Talk about how, just like new life comes out of eggs, we can have new life (eternal life with God) when we turn from our sin and trust in Jesus! If you have older children, consider watching the JESUS FILM together as a family.