Day 5 – Maundy Thursday
Theme: The Last Supper
Read: John 13:1-7, 34-35
Say: The Thursday before Easter is called “Maundy Thursday” as it reminds us of the day when Jesus celebrated His final Passover meal (“Last Supper”) with His disciples. The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin word for “command,” and is based on Jesus’ command for us to love one another. After Jesus ate the Passover meal with His disciples, he showed them what it truly meant to love one another when he washed their feet, demonstrating that to truly love one another involves serving one another.
Ask: How can we share God’s love with others? While we may not wash other people’s feet today, what are some ways we can serve other people?
Pray: Dear God, thank you for loving us and for showing us what it means to love others. Help us follow Jesus’ command to love and serve others.
Do: Think of someone in your family, neighborhood, or church that you can show an act of kindness to. You can either make them a card, make them a treat, or perform an act of service for them as a family.