The New Believer Track is for those who have recently become followers of Jesus Christ.
This track takes you through a 5-week study on the gospel and what it means to follow Jesus.
We recommend starting with the following steps:
- Find a Mentor (if you haven't already) and choose a time to meet together regularly.
- Go through our 5-week study called The Beginning.
- Create a Personal Growth Plan together and decide if you would like to keep meeting together or not.
Want to keep going?
- Option 1: Try going through our Foundations Growth Track.
- Option 2: Pick a book of the Bible to read through & discuss together. (Check out our helpful City Church Online Studies)
- Option 3: Pick a book from our Recommended Reading List to read & discuss together.
- Option 4: Download a Mentoring Lesson on a wide variety of discipleship topics.
“We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well . . . .”