Department Updates:
Intern applications for fall 2016 are still open and due August 12th.
Residency program will launch January 2017.
Women's event registration closes August 7th - please share and invite friends!
-meeting with key volunteers to increase team to about 65-70 volunteers each Sunday
-personal asks for new volunteers
-recording process under way for Christmas album for 2017
-AC schedule adjustment requests should go to Todd via email
-reminder about support tickets on Staff website
-make sure chairs are over the floor plates by the camera platforms when put back in place from events.
-Staff board next to the alarm panel to let people know you're here or not here (at Sessions).
-123 students at Youth camp, over 300 players and coaches at Team Tallahassee
-3 week "back to school" break. Starting back at FKO (Fall Kick Off) on August 24th.
-Fall schedules released for groups (see handout, or get one from Craig)
-Looking at how to increase traffic for online devotional for Galatians, coming off of Philippians study
-Looking at about 45 groups for fall (goal is at least 50)
-Developing a new believer mentor team
Include updates from Women's Event, Communications, Interns & Residency.
-Preaching schedule for fall - send out updated version (ask Lindsey)
-Follow up in the works for KiDS Camp
-70 preschoolers during 9am on Sunday
-2 kids with special needs this past Sunday
-Staring Gospel Project on August 14 (back to school Sunday)
Fall Prep and Planning:
Summer 2014 average: 679 people per week including kids and volunteers
Fall 2014 average: 953
Summer 2016 average: 1063
-Expecting 250-275 kids on Sunday mornings
-Need more space
-Looking into portables for classrooms (how will this affect parking, safety of transitioning kids, extra security, etc.)
-Adjusting classrooms - need to split up 1yo and 2yo rooms
-Volunteers - need at least 10 additional per service
-Using iPads for check in during the line (have iPad person help to move families out of lines by opening and closing stanchion lines?)
**Parking idea - tall signage (like mall or Disney)
-Shuttle service idea - need to make sure it is running consistently and a quality, positive experience to efficiently transport people.
-Looking into renting a 15 passenger van to shuttle
-Currently about 400 open parking spaces between gravel loop lot and FSU lot
-50 at FBMC for volunteers
-Microtel, Country Inn, Burger King, Walmart - 80 spots
-30ish spots on curb on Sessions Rd
-Idea of asking to part at Chick Fil A N Monroe and shuttling
-Need solutions for the mass groups
Sunday morning:
With 80% rule, we max out at 780 chairs per service (900 out). Likely we will hit that in the next several weeks.
Usher plan needed to accompany
Words on the screen - request to move to the top of the screen, hard to see at the bottom. Need to move faster. Looking into other options including additional screens just for lyrics.