1. Reminder to write a thank-you card to Erick Casto as he rotates off his position as an elder this month. He has served very faithfully.
2. See Alex's email about cleaning out and organziing/taking things to storage on Wednesday this week. Remember this is mandatory unless you have a commitment you absolutely cannot miss. Knucks to Zach for coordinating moving of the remaining pews out of storage tomorrow!
3. Great discussion this morning on the Carey Nieuwhof article on characteristics of unchurched people. If you missed the link, here it is: http://careynieuwhof.com/15-characteristics-of-todays-unchurched-person/
4. Here is the link to the KiDS video that Jackson Allen made for this past Sunday's lesson. It is awesome! Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zav9F7h3G9w&feature=youtu.be
5. Important updates about organizational and ministry changes coming in January 2017:
As Dean shared this morning, several organizational and staffing changes will take place beginning January 1st.
Zach will be transitioning fully into the role of Connections Pastor with continued focus and leadership over Missions, with the long term goal to decouple his role again to move into a full time Missions Pastor role, overseeing all NAMB, IMB, and Send efforts and church planting initiatives as missions.
Hunter will be transitioning into the role of College Pastor, with the short term goal to launch a midweek college service gathering in August 2017 and a longer term goal to continue building the ministry and expanding its reach.
This will allow Zach to focus his leadership and ministry onto the area of connecting people, defining ownership/membership, closing the back door as we say, and continuing to implement a missions strategy that supports connections at City Church. Conversations about what connections and membership looks like will take place in early 2017 to support his work there and develop a true assimilation strategy.
This move also allows Hunter to transition into a new role where his giftings will be used to build upon Zach's leadership in College and launch a midweek gathering for students that connects them to the church and ultimately leads to a discipleship strategy that reaches many students, Lord-willing.
A new candidate for Youth Pastor has not been chosen yet. Hunter will continue to carry his responsibilities over Youth until summer camp in July 2017, with the help of his team. Austin Watson, who you may know as a former Youth intern and very faithful volunteer, is preparing to raise his own support to work part-time as an assistant under Hunter and eventually the new Youth Pastor.
There are lots of logistics to work out, which we'll be focusing on in the coming weeks. Please feel free to ask questions and pray for these transitions as they roll out.
Please do NOT share this information with anyone outside of a spouse until you are given word that these changes are public knowledge. Hunter and Zach both need time to communicate to their volunteers, teams, parents, students, and others first. We will also be sharing this news with Owners in the coming days/weeks, and your patience and confidentiality is appreciated in advance.
You'll be getting more information about exciting next steps and things to come from these transitions! Please continue to lift up Hunter, Zach, and the as-yet-unknown Youth Pastor in prayer and pray for God's blessing on the next year of City Church ministry!