
1. Devotional--given by Lindsey N

Next week's devotional--Zach Allen 

2. Active Shooter Preparedness presentation given by Alex: 


Please read through and think through how this would be implemented in your ministry area/space on Sunday morning and during any other times. 

3. Some encouragements-- 

  • 120+ students and 50+ volunteers in attendance at Youth Camp this weekend! 
  • 1352 (including kids and volunteers) in attendance this past Sunday morning. 201 kids in attendance - the second largest in City Church KiDS history. We are 75% of the way to reaching our organizational goal of reaching 1,800 people on one Sunday by Christmas on the Moon! 
  • On Sunday, we received the largest 1-time tithe that we have ever received! 

4. Preparing for fall growth has begun! Please read through the questions to begin thinking through and planning for your ministry area's growth, and how that relates to other areas on Sunday and throughout the week. 

View the Fall Prep document here: 


We will meet next week (on Wednesday!) to discuss round 1 of our plans. 

5. Reminder: please update all accounts from which you receive shipments to the Sessions address. This will help us avoid paying extra shipping/receiving fees when a package gets returned to a shipping center or the Post Office and Lindsey has to go pick it up. 


1. Statistics on info card response from this Sunday: 

45 total cards turned in (major growth!)

23 first-time visitors

14 second-time visitors

14 new families for KiDS

Let's all be mindful of these people who are connected and encourage our teams to engage people on Sundays, to help them take next steps, and to support Zach & the Connections team as we ourselves meet new people and can help them personally and individually connect at City Church.  

2. There are 2 baptisms this Sunday: 

Gloria Bailey

Andrew Bascom 

3. NEXT is this Sunday from 5:30-7:30 at Sessions. 

Staff are encouraged to attend NEXT whenever possible, even for the first 30-45 min, when there is a prime time to connect with attendees. If you are available to serve as a table host, please let Zach know (for any future NEXT dates as well). 

4. Youth block party is this Wednesday from 6-8:30 at Sessions! Stay tuned for a possible rain plan if needed, but pray for no rain. Staff are welcome and encouraged to come, hang out, and connect with students and parents. If you come, please stay after for a few minutes to help tear down and reset the space with Hunter's team. 

5. Bryan Bair gave an update on his church plant, South Point, launching officially on August 21. Requests for prayer: 

-For securing a meeting location (top pick & potential place is the Armory, with a meeting with their people this week)

-To find a music leader

-To pinpoint a leader for kids ministry

-For Bryan's new part-time job at Bass Pro, to make strategic connections and to invite people to South Point. 

6. If you need a check written for a purchase, please ask Alex or Kelli rather than Lindsey Hartsfield (she is a designated "check signer" but you need to get it authorized first). Invoices are still preferred for payments, if possible. 

7. Alarm codes for Sessions are being assigned. See Alex or Kelli for yours. 

8. The AC at Sessions is now on a regulated schedule. Ask Alex about adjustments before making them. 

9. If you are the point person for an event/training/other gathering in Sessions, please remember that your event is not done until the space has been reset for the next thing happening there. Please throw all food away or send it home--do not store it in the kitchen since the building is not always being used or frequented. 

10. There will be a rotating schedule of staff guys who will lock up on Sundays after services. Stay tuned for your weeks to be assigned. 

11. You can submit items for the all staff agenda to Ashlyn. Please submit items ideally by Thursday before the next all staff. Items can be submitted as late as Sunday night with the risk that they may not make it onto that Monday's agenda, and could be pushed to the following week. 


These are brief, bullet point updates from each department, plus a few reminders. If you have questions about any area, please feel free to reach out to a director for more info. 


Camp planning is underway

Special needs ministry set to have soft launch for end of May 

Partnering with Hang Tough Foundation for a respite night in June 

Alexis Hartsfield stepped down from serving as Kids Camp coordinator (still helping with camp in a lesser capacity) 


On track to achieve Facebook SMART goal 1 month early (Increase likes by 10% by July 1) 

E-news is on hiatus for now--revamping the value and generating new content for future re-release

Stephanie Hawkins serving as summer intern 


Summer cohort begins 5/22

Fall applications will go live July 1

Intern team introduction coming soon 


Men's event June 17 6-9pm at Sessions (www.citychurchtallahassee.com/men

Women's event August 12-13 at Sessions (more info TBD) 

Access Tallahassee summer event dates are attached to this email (YP network of the Chamber of Commerce--City Church sponsors Coffee & Connections) 

Pastor's Office

New preaching schedule for summer/early fall is attached to this email 


Working to reach a SMART goal of increasing revenue by 15% in 2016 

Thoughts on how to accomplish this are welcome

Need to keep the conversation about generosity going and find new ways to work it in

Budget year is switching from Jan-Dec to August-July

Budget requests are due in 2 weeks--5/24/16 to Alex


Working on SMART goal to increase volunteers 

The door to backstage in the hallway by meeting rooms at Sessions will always be locked (this is the last set of double doors in the hallway, that lead to backstage) 

Discipleship & Care

Philippians devotional is now live on the website--please use and share

Summer City Group training is this Saturday at Sessions beginning at 9:00am

There is a new process in the works for Care--see Craig for more details

SMART goal to double the number of deacons has been reached (woo!)--for names, see attachment to this email

SMART goal to elect a chairman of deacons has been reached (Mike Crouch) 

Eric Boatright is being baptized this Sunday by his dad, Allen Boatright

2 more baptisms happening the following Sunday, 5/22--details to come


Cleaning service comes to Sessions on Mondays and Fridays. Please submit any specific cleaning requests (such as spot cleaning or things that may have been missed) to Alex. 


Block party happening Wednesday 5/18 6:00-8:30pm at Sessions--staff are invited

Team Tallahassee football kick off dinner on Friday 7/29 5-7pm at Sessions

6 interns for summer 


Average info card response has increased from 7 to 23 (woo!)--SMART goal being achieved

Jenna Elliott is serving as new Guest Services coordinator in an unpaid staff capacity 


9 college students traveling on summer missions 

College City Groups launch tonight and continue on Mondays at Sessions until 6/27 

Zach is working on building an intern team for City Church U leadership 


Yesterday in all staff we recapped our first Sunday at the new building. Here is a summary of main points of feedback, as well as any point people who have been assigned to each one. 

We will continue our Knowing Christ devotion next week with Ginger leading! 

Sunday Evaluations

1. We have set a high bar for church in Tallahassee, and we should aim to keep this Sunday momentum as we move forward. 

2. We are all responsible for taking personal initiative in follow up--if you saw someone who came to City Church or who is getting connected, don't just rely on the follow up system or a process queue--personally connect with this person and let him or her know you're excited that they came. 

3. Identified a need for an increased usher presence in the back of the auditorium, and a way to guide people in from the bright lobby into the dark auditorium. (Zach/Guest Services--ushers; Ryan--lights) 

4. It was helpful at the 11:00 service to encourage people from stage to move to the center of the row. Ushers should continue to ask people to slide toward the middle, and we will consider doing a regular "welcome/slide to the middle" about 3 min. before service starts. 

5. Staff should continue to create a culture of connecting in the lobby outside of the service--try not to let anyone be found standing alone without someone to talk to. This can also be improved in the auditorium as well by talking to people who are already seated before service. 

6. Stage needs to be clear by 8:30am after run through. (Ryan/Todd) 

7. Need to be actively checking the bathrooms for needs of refilling soap, paper towels, mints, etc. 

8. Continue to recruit and shoulder tap friendly, personable people who would be good additions to the Guest Services/Connections team. 

9. Encourage people to fill out info cards. This goes back to point 2--if your friend or family member comes, encourage them to fill out a card. 


To recap from staff meeting this morning, here are some important notes and reminders for your week: 

1. Knowing Christ staff devotion starts next week with Todd. Please check the Need tab in our Staff group on myCityChurch and mark your calendar for your devotion week!

2. Staff parking at Sessions will be in the Fringe Benefits gravel lot, down Sessions Rd past the entrance to the main parking lot (drive a little ways and you'll see it). There will be golf chart shuttles running for staff & volunteers. 3. Sessions work day info for tomorrow: 

-Staff will meet in the lobby at 9:30am to move items from Tharpe to Sessions 

-Work night at Sessions will be tomorrow, Tuesday, at 5:30pm. If you're able to come earlier, feel free! 

-Please RSVP to Lindsey N. for Tuesday night so she can assign you a work area. Volunteers will be sent your way! 

4. Sessions Grand Opening Info

-There will not be a delayed building dedication service at Sessions. We will do one big grand opening this Sunday with both services. 

-Community leaders and members of the building team have been invited, as well as media from TV stations and newspapers. 

-If someone has a media-related question, please direct them to Ashlyn. 

-If you see someone who looks "official" or like they are visiting, please offer to answer any questions or help them get inside and situated--in other words, just be aware of anyone who may need help on their first visit! 

5. We will celebrate FIVE baptisms this Sunday! That will be a total of 18 so far for 2016! 

6. If you need a quick brain break during the week, here are a couple links to some fun City Church videos from the past! 

5 Years Remembered--The Best of James Parsons

Glamorous--feat. Dean Inserra & Sarah Stephens

Happy Sessions Grand Opening Week! 


Thanks to those of you who could make it out to staff prayer and Maple Street yesterday. It was a great morning praying over the city and preparing for Easter. 

Here is a recap of our discussion yesterday during staff, along with some extra info about this weekend. Please read through everything and reply if you have questions! 

Easter Volunteer Updates

1. KiDS--About 30 volunteers still needed for greeters 

2. Connections/First Impressions--About 10 more people wanted 

3. Care--Goal met on volunteers 

4. Follow Up Team--Still taking volunteers, point people to Zach 

Follow Up From Info Cards

1. Zach, Bryan & Craig working on a plan (with Jordan & Follow Up team) to begin inputting information on Sunday and have an initial contact with each person by Thursday 3/31. 

2. Ask Bryan if you have any questions about HOW people will get connected to you via MyCityChurch (process queue or group via form). 

3. All staff are asked to be on stand by Monday afternoon for help with beginning follow up process...stay tuned for more info. Volunteer Trainings at the Civic Center Sat. 3/26 at 10:00am

1. KiDS--Lindsay Bradle, Ginger, Kylie, Alexis 

2. Connections/FI--Zach, Jordan, Melissa Villalta 

3. Care--Craig & Sally Livingston

Setup Dates & Times

Good Friday

2:00pm Production setup 

5:15pm Staff arrive no later than (unless otherwise noted by your director...some of us will be there earlier for setup purposes, but please be there by 5:15pm)

5:30pm Doors open 

6:30pm Service begins 

Saturday at the Civic Center

7:00am Production unloads & setup begins 

8:00am KiDS team & First Impressions unloads 

9:00am All KiDS team setup begins 

10:00am All volunteer trainings begin 

11:00am Volunteer break w/ ice cream snacks 

Production will continue to set up

Finish any volunteer trainings or meetings after volunteer break 

7:00pm Tentative band sound check 

Easter Sunday

6:00am Civic Center opens 

7:45am Full dress rehearsal in main arena

9:30am Stage clear 

10:00am Doors open 

11:00am Service begins 

Miscellaneous Information

1. Breakfast food (no drinks) will be available for volunteers on Sunday morning in two hospitality areas: backstage for band & production, and exhibition hall for KiDS & First Impressions.

2. KiDS & First Impressions load-in will happen on Thursday 3/24 at 2:00pm. If you want to help, please let Lindsay B. or Zach know. 

3. Please be very gracious and accommodating at Ruby Diamond for Good Friday. We want to make a great impression on their staff and be easy to work with. 

4. Parking passes & backstage access passes for Easter Sunday are being printed & distributed this week. If you've not already received one, you will! 

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything this week! If your team has a project or a need for help, reply all and we will do our best to work together and support each team as we prepare for Sunday. 

Praying for an amazing weekend with you all! Thank you for all the hard work and energy you've invested in your teams and leading your areas to a great Easter Sunday for Tallahassee! 



- What is success?

  • We often think success is about an outcome. It is not about outcome, it is about obedience.

- Chess Story

  • The pawns love the King so much they are willing to die for the King.

- Daniel 3:16-18

- What happens if they get thrown in to the fiery furnace and got burned up? Would that still  have been success?



- Blue pillars are the strategy.

- Red arrows are the drivers for these strategies.

- The green box is the infrastructure that we need to accomplish the drivers and strategy.

- Just because something is listed here does not mean that we are doing this well. It means that we are going to put time, energy, and resources towards to accomplish this strategy.



- Our senior staff team has set the organizational Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal (BHAG) of:

  • Reach 10,000 people on a Sunday.
    • What does it mean to reach? See strategy above.

- In addition to setting an organizational BHAG, we are going to be setting SMART goals for each of our ministry area. 

  • See attached goals document for more direction on setting goals.
  • Goals for each ministry area should be set no later than next weeks All Staff meeting so that they can be presented to staff to be adopted, refined, or re-imagined.
  • Each ministry area should set 2-4 ministry goals. Please use this to set personal goals as well that can help push your ministry forward if you desire. 
  • If you need assistance setting goals for your area, please talk to a senior staff member. 


OFI Conference - We are hosting Feb 11th and 12th and we will need all hands on deck. Please plan on being here that Thursday evening and Friday morning and Evening. Positions will be assigned in the near future.




Attendees: Josh S, Todd D, Dean I, Ashlyn P, Kelli L, Ginger C, Sarah S, Zach A, Craig S, Lindsay B, Hunter L, Bryan S, Ryan M, Alex S

Devotion: Hunter Leavine


Four Things We Need to Let Go

- Matthew 4:20

  1. Fear
    • We often tell people that you need to trust God, and that he is in control, but don't live that out ourselves. We are crippled by fear.
  2. Grudges
  3. Comfort
    • We have to leave the idea of comfort behind with the goal of reaching 10,000 people.
  4. Confusion
    • We need to be more clear about what we are doing in this city, and what we stand for. 

Sunday Evaluation and Celebration:

- Win: Records Kids Numbers - Approx 190 Kids attended on Sunday

- Win: Good job keeping the service under the appropriate times.

- Win: Baptism at the beginning of the service was able to give some celebration to the baptism and keep it from getting lost in the shuffle.

- Win: There was a great vibe in environments as people showed up

- Evaluate: May need a lobby plan.

- Evaluate: Make sure people are picking up trash as soon as services are done. Feel free to ask other volunteers who are free who can sweep the aisles of chairs. If you see something that needs to be picked up, please pick it up.

- Evaluate: Our standard is not a full room if the room is small. Our standard is to reach as many people as possible. The only way to grow is to push people to 9:00 and 11:55. We need to make sure that we are still sharp at 11:55 because although it is our third or 4th time this is their first time with the service.

- Evaluate: We are maxed on parking at 10:30. Continue to push people to 9:00 and 11:55.


- Win: Parking team did a great job. They could use 4-5 more volunteers.

- Evaluate: Would it be possible to pull Kids in a wagon to help families?

- Evaluate: What does it look like for Kids and First Impressions to team together to create a great impression for Families/Kids.

- Evaluate: If families are walking through the Youth Hall, we need to ensure that it is secure.

- Evaluate: Do we need a second sherriff's deputy to help with Kids?

- Win: Ushers did a great job. 

- Evaluate: After the offering, it appeared there was only one usher left in the auditorium. Can we have a presence of a few ushers by the auditorium entrances to ensure late arrivals are able to find a seat.

- Win: Volunteers were getting up out of their seats at 10:30 to make room for guests.

- Evaluate: Make sure to be mindful of the volume level in the lobby so that noise is not carrying over in to the auditorium.


Staff Pictures:

Staff Pictures for the website were taken today. If you missed your picture, please contact Sarah Stephens to schedule a time for a retake.





Attendees: Dean I, Josh S, Todd D, Ryan M, Bryan S, Alex S, Lindsay B, Ginger C, Craig S, Ashlyn P, Sarah S
Devotion: Pastor Dean

1 John 2:15-17

- Loving the things of the world is in direct conflict with the will of the Father. 

- The Lust of the Flesh

  • I want to feel that.

- The Lust of the Eyes

  • I want to have that.

- The Pride of Life

  • I want to be that.
  • I should be that. I deserve to be that.

- The love of the world always goes back to "I"

- The result of these three things are the love of the world. 

- Love the world less. Love the Father, which comes through loving Christ.

Department Updates:


- Updating processes for Care Ministry

- Creating a study for the Daniel sermon series that will be available online

- Redemption Care Groups launch 01/30


- 123 Kids on Sunday

- 20 Volunteers showed up for Stand Up meeting before the service.

- Working on a lot of updates on form, policy, etc.

- Working on being efficient and effective in volunteer communication

- Volunteer Promo Video to be played on Jan 10th.

- Volunteer Appreciation - Jan 31st.

- 11:55 service will have Kids Camp/Base Camp style programming. There will be time for free play, the memory verse, bible application, and fun and creative games.

First Impressions:

- Service Leaders will be running the services. The 9:00 and 11:55 Service Leader is Jordan J. 10:30 Service Leader is Ben Reichert. If you see anything that needs immediate adjustment, go to the service leader so that they can touch base with the team leaders.


- New Leader Training: January 9th

- Goups Launch: January 17th

- Group discussions will follow along with the sermon series

- One Group multiplication this semester

- Group promo will take place the next two Sunday's


- Introducing a Service Cut Off Time. If the services go beyond a specific time, the last song will be cut.

- Need to Know will start before the countdown hits zero

- TV will be available in the care room for people to watch the message in there. Lobby stream is also working now.

- Todd, Josh, and Ryan will be setting up more chairs in the auditorium. Music/IT:

- Everyone's phone will ring on any general calls.

- Everyone will need to reset their Voicemail Box Name/Greeting. Todd will provide instructions on how to change this.

- Email is only for active employees and emails. Any employee who leaves in good standing will have access to their inbox for 60 days after their last day. That email will then be forwarded to the appropriate staff member after the 60 days. They will be asked to forward any and all ministry related emails to the current staff.

Lead Pastor:

- Starting a new series this Sunday titled "churchy"


- Thanks for sending the communications requests in. Please continue to use the forms for communications requests.

- Sarah will send out the graphics today for sharing on personal social media use.

Executive Directors:

- Important Dates

  • Young Professionals: 01/28, Madison Social, 5:30 PM
  • OFI Conference: February 11th & 12th. This will be an event we host, and will be asking staff to work on.

- Credit Card: Please make sure that for ANY PURCHASE GREATER THAN $250 has an approved Credit Card Purchase Approval Form. If purchases made for more than $250 are do not have Credit Card Purchase Approval Forms when expensed at the end of the month, you will be asked to turn your credit card in.

- Leave Requests: Please make sure that for all vacation and sick/personal days off a leave request form is completed. If it is for vacation, please turn in the form at least 2 weeks before the vacation date. All vacation forms should go to your immediate supervisor for approval, and then to Alex to be logged. If you take a sick day, please fill out the form on your first day back in the office and turn in to Alex.

- Clean out any food that belongs to you in the Fridge this week. Anything in a styrofoam container, or pizza box, etc. will be thrown out at the end of the week.

- Meetings will be set up shortly with all directors to go over ministry budgets for 2016.

Tharpe 3 Service Assignments:


- Confirming the official Ushing team leader for 10:30.

- Ben R. Feels confident that we can handle Ushing the same ways that we did at Christmas Eve.

- We will emphasize pushing people to the front and filling every seat.

- We will keep the back section as the last to be filled.


- You can sign up on the staff MyCityChurch page under the needs section. If it is not filled, we will be assigning/requesting people to do it on Thursday.


- We will have people at every entrance directing traffic.

- Parking Directors:

  • 9:00 - Will Eades
  • 10:30 - Sam and Angie Ornelas
  • 11:55 - Matt Strenth

- If you know of people who are willing to volunteer in the parking lot, please drop their names by Ginger, so she can reach out to them.

Sunday Morning Groups:

- Sunday City Groups will be meeting at 10:30. The Coed group led by Allen Boatright will be meeting in the upstairs conference room instead of the youth hall where they had been meeting previously.
