Good evening!

I am getting next weeks discussion guide out a day early because the office will be closed tomorrow! This next week (the week of November 14th) we will be looking at 1&2 Peter and how as believers we are called to holy living because our God is holy, and this is only made possible by securing our hope in the gospel. As always we are continuously praying for your group and how God is working through them.

Below are a few dates to remember and remind your group about:

November 28th- Christmas on the Moon, the Guest Services team is still looking for 6pm volunteers! This would be a great way for your City Group to serve together!

The week of November 28th will be the last week of our Fall term of City Groups, however I would love to encourage every group to find at least one time in December to hang out and continue to foster community.

December 5th- Members meeting @ 6pm. We want to encourage all of our members to attend this very important meeting. This will be a time to come together as a church body and inform, encourage, and pray for each other.

As always please let us know if there is anything we can do to serve you and your group!

Have a great night,
