
I hope you and your city group are doing well! Attached is the discussion guide for next week! We will be looking a the books 1,2,3rd John & Jude and what it means to abide in Christ. I hope this semester has been a time of growth for your City Group, and I am extremely thankful for your dedication to the groups ministry!

Here are a few dates to remember and share with your group:

November 28th: Christmas on the Moon, we are still in need for 6pm volunteers!
The week of November 28th will be the last week of Fall '21 City Groups, we will take the month of December off and will pick back up on the week of January 2nd!
December 5th- Members Meeting, 6pm and dinner is provided.
January 9th- City Group Leader Training, directly after the 11am service. This will be a great time of fellowship, reflection on the '21 Fall semester, and looking ahead to the Spring semester. We will also be able to welcome the group leaders for a few new groups that are launching in the Spring!

Please let me know if I can serve you in any way,
