City Groups Spring '17 - Week 10

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 10

As we begin week 10 we look at Mark 3:20-35.  In this passage, Jesus is confronted by his family and the Pharisees. His family thinks he is a lunatic, and the Pharisees accuse him of being demonic and of misleading his followers. This is the fundamental question we all must confront: Is Jesus a lunatic, a liar, or Lord?

Videos: There are two videos this week. The first is our usual group video from Brian Seagraves explaining our passage, the second is for group leaders only and introduces a new Easter prayer effort for City Groups.

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 9

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 9

Entering week 9 we are examining Mark 3:7-19. At this moment, Jesus chooses from his disciples 12 rather ordinary men and appoints them as His apostles. He tasked them to learn from Him first and then sends them to go forth and preach. Even now, Jesus calls us to learn and emulate Him, our master teacher, as we also have been sent to go forth and share the good news of Jesus, the Son of God. 

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 8

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 8

Welcome City Group Leaders! We are studying Mark 2:23-3:6 this week. Already accused of allowing his disciples to "work" on the Sabbath, Jesus heals on the Sabbath, the Jewish sacred day of rest. How did Jesus truly honor the Sabbath, and how do we?

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 7

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 7

Hello City Group Leaders! This week we continue in Mark 2:18-22, where Jesus responds to a question on fasting. His answer reveals how often we find ourselves doing something the old way, just because "it's what we've always done", rather than looking at why?  What Jesus brings is new life and a new way that's incompatible with the old. His words here also reveal a new bomb-shell concerning His messianic identity. Jesus is the divine Bridegroom.

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 6

Welcome group leaders to week six! Crowds continue to gather around Jesus. Yet He chooses to mingle with sinners, tax collectors. When challenged, He replies that He came to call not the righteous, but the sinners. He calls us, and He sends us not to our comfort zone, but to the uncomfortable places to reach all of God's children. 

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 5

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 5

We are in week 5 and have entered chapter 2 of Mark's Gospel! This week four determined friends bring their crippled companion to the over-crowded home where Jesus is preaching. Jesus, moved by their faith, first forgives the man's sins, then heals him. Jesus demonstrates his power and authority to heal us both spiritually and physically. Now that is good news!

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 4

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 4

Welcome to Week 4. In our passage this week Jesus's celebrity grows immensely throughout Galilee. Wow, what an impression! This man, Jesus, can heal people of the most horrible diseases, the demons flee at his command, and when he preaches it is unlike anything the people had heard before. From where does he get such authority? 

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 3

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 3

Hello City Group Leaders! Jesus is beginning His ministry telling people of the "good news" what we call the gospel. He is also calling His disciples promising them that He will make these former fishermen, "fishers of men". May His kingdom come to Tallahassee, as it is in heaven. 

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 2

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 2

We are in Week 2 of the Gospel of Mark! Hope last week was refreshing and joyful; reconnecting with returning members and welcoming new people into your groups! In this week's text, Mark emphasizes the battle between Jesus and Satan in the wilderness, while also emphasizing, the immediacy and action-based urgency of Jesus's ministry on Earth. What an incredible window into the reality of spiritual warfare!

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17- Week 1

City Groups Spring '17- Week 1

Welcome back Group Leaders! We are starting a new series in the Gospel of Mark. Pastor Dean will be preaching on the passages each Sunday prior to our gatherings. Alongside the sermons you will have the Discussion Guides, videos and of course God's Word- the Bible to help you lead a fruitful discussion in your group each week. Dive in and have fun with it!

In addition, I encourage you to both read and share our Mark Online Devotions with your group to help them keep growing throughout the week. Hope you are excited to dive into Mark and continue developing community, growth and mission into peoples lives this Spring. 

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups - Fall 16 - Last Week

City Groups - Fall 16 - Last Week

Welcome back from Thanksgiving and to the last week of Fall City Groups! We'll be wrapping up the rest of ch 4 together this week. Here, Paul highlights the difference between DIY (Do-it-yourself) religion and the gospel of grace. Consider leaving some time at the end of your group meeting for the BONUS question (see Discussion Guide below) to celebrate what the Lord did in people's lives through your group this fall.


City Groups - Fall - Week 10

City Groups - Fall - Week 10

Welcome Group Leaders! Happy Thanksgiving! We are now in week 10, studying Galatians 4:1-20. So besides talking about turkey and stuffing verses dressing (I understand the first is made with bread and is northern while the second made with cornbread and is southern), we will be focusing on being the adopted children of God. What a joy to celebrate with our families this week our inheritance a sons of our living God!


City Group - Fall 2016 - Week 9

City Group - Fall 2016 - Week 9

It is Fall! We are in week 9, studying Galatians 3:15-29.  Throughout this chapter Paul has been discussing how laws affect our lives, and here he helps us understand why the law exists.  Laws bind us, condemn us, declaring us all law-breakers and banish us from God's kingdom. Likewise, the gospel, saves us and through faith in Jesus Christ, we are all sons of God. We are all family, no matter where we come from.


City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 8

City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 8

Welcome Back! We're returning to Galatians 3:10-14 this week. We're in the home stretch! Jesus has rescued us from the curse of failing to live under the law. Jesus is the cure for the curse. Lets get this good news of the gospel to those still under the curse this November.


City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 7

City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 7

Welcome back Group Leaders! This is week 7 and we are studying Galatians 3:1-9 together. We will be reminded that salvation has always been by faith, as seen in the example of Abraham. Additionally, living out our faith requires dependence on the Holy Spirit every day to bear fruit in our lives and enjoy God forever.


City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 6

City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 6

Welcome to week 6; we are studying Galatians 2. Paul writes the Galatians from his own experience of not wavering from the Gospel. Paul boldly confronted Peter (Cephas) in this matter, which is a fascinating window into the life in the early church leadership. Paul encourages the Galatian Christians, we are not justified through anything, except through faith in Jesus Christ. 


City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 5

City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 5

We are in Week 5 and finishing Galatians 1. Paul is explaining that the Gospel he is preaching is the true Gospel, and is the same message that the apostles are also spreading. He also focuses on God's sovereign power to save. There is a lot to discuss!


City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 4

City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 4

Its is Week 4 and the beginning of our Galatians series! If you haven't already, please read through Galatians from start to finish to get the full picture of this letter, as it was intended to be read. Paul comes out of the gate swinging, proclaiming the loving truth of the Gospel, then immediately addresses the spread of a false gospel that had infiltrated the young Galatian church. Paul is direct, making it clear that they can not abandon Christ for something else and hope to be saved.


City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 3

City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 3

Hello Group Leaders, welcome to week 3! Our topic of discussion is MISSION! One of the most foundational aspects of living on mission with Jesus is sharing the Gospel. What does that look like? When, where, with whom do we share this good news? And how do we bring the Gospel into everyday conversation. Lets do our best  this week to equip our group members with the confidence and basic skills needed to live as ambassadors of Jesus here in Tallahassee. 

Resources: This week's video is an important one to show during group. Also here is our Discussion Guide for week 3.

City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 2

City Groups - Fall 2016 - Week 2

Hello Group Leaders! "Growth happens best in community, not alone." This is a phrase we hear often at City Church, but what does it mean? In this week's study we get to take the opportunity to explore that term "growth"- growing in Jesus, and what we mean by it. 

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week:

  1. Discussion guide on Growth
  2. Personal growth plan