Groups Fall '18 - Week 11

Groups Fall '18 - Week 11

Seasons Greetings City Group Leaders!

We're in our last week of Fall City Groups. It's a great week as we start the Advent season as a faith family. Through the Advent season we will be focusing on a collection of prophecies from the book of Isaiah. This week we turn our attention to how the coming of Jesus brought light into the darkness and began to establish a kingdom with no end. We hope its a great week of discussion. Merry Christmas! The King has Come!

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


Groups Fall '18 - Week 10

Groups Fall '18 - Week 10

Greetings City Group Leaders!

We hope you and your families had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This is the last week of our This is Us series, and we're back this week discussing what God had done for us. We will be focusing on how God has delivered us and transformed us to live lives that honor him. Thank you for your service to the church in leading your groups!

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


Groups Fall '18 - Week 9

Groups Fall '18 - Week 9

Greetings City Group Leaders!

This week we start a new series, This Is Us, where we will look at what defines us as a church. This week we focus on the unity we have in Christ. We will discuss how Jesus reconciles us to God and each other. We will also examine ways the enemy threatens that unity and pray that we would be a unified church.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


Groups Fall '18 - Week 8

Groups Fall '18 - Week 8

City Group Leaders,

Thank you for your labors in leading your group. It's hard to believe this semester of groups is almost over. 

This week we will be finishing up our perceptions series by discussing Christians and Politics. This week Dean addressed the perception that Christians are "Too Political." In our groups this week we will see how a foundational confession of our faith, "Jesus is Lord," shapes how we engage in politics.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


Groups Fall '18 - Week 7

Groups Fall '18 - Week 7

Hello City Group Leaders!

We're in our second week of the Perceptions series. In this series, we're looking at three common "perceptions" of Christians in our cultural context and how Jesus calls us to obedience in spite of those. This week we are focusing on "Hypocrisy." Christians are often accused of being hypocrites by others, especially when our lives don't seem to line up with what's taught in the Bible. This week we will discuss why this is the case and how we can respond to this in light of the Gospel.

Thank you for your continued labors in leading your groups!

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


Groups Fall '18 - Week 6

Groups Fall '18 - Week 6

Greetings City Group Leaders! This week were starting a new sermon series, Perceptions. This series will address how Christians are perceived in the world and how the scriptures call us to live in light of these "perceptions." Phillip Bethancourt gets this new series kicked off with a sermon on being "Judgemental." 

We hope this series helps us to address where these perceptions come from, and how we can live obediently by making disciples in light of these. Thank you for your labors!

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


City Groups Fall '18 - Week 5

City Groups Fall '18 - Week 5


We're in week 5 of Fall City Groups. Thank you leaders for your continued ministry to your groups! This week we heard from two church planters, Ryan Rice and/or Matthew Delaughter about "living life on mission." In line with this theme, and continuing our Stamped series, this week's discussion turns our attention to how the Apostle Paul viewed his ministry and mission as arising from the person and work of Christ. We've been given a ministry of "reconciliation" and have been "stamped" to share it with others. 

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


City Groups Fall '18 - Week 4

City Groups Fall '18 - Week 4


We are in Week 4, and the second week of our new sermon series, Stamped. When you send a letter in the mail (yes snail mail), you must first put a stamp on it. That stamp is the authorization and the payment for that letter to be sent. As christians, we are stamped by Jesus, paid for with His blood, empowered by God’s Holy Spirit, and purposefully sent into the world to make disciples of all nations.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


City Groups Fall '18 - Week 3

City Groups Fall '18 - Week 3


We are in Week 3, and starting a new sermon series, Stamped. When you send a letter in the mail (yes snail mail), you must first put a stamp on it. That stamp is the authorization and the payment for that letter to be sent. As christians, we are stamped by Jesus, paid for with His blood, empowered by God’s Holy Spirit, and purposefully sent into the world to make disciples of all nations.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


City Groups Fall '18 - Week 2

City Groups Fall '18 - Week 2


In Week 2, we come to the end of the Grown Folks series, we encounter a topic that in many ways every other discipline ready’s us for: the task of being sent into the world to find others. These others are like we once also were, lost. They are separated from Our Creator, and just like we once were, condemned. Probably the greatest news of all, is that not only did Jesus die to save us from being condemned for our sin, but he also showed us what it means to reach others in his name. The task is simple.

For our hearts to truly be like Jesus, we also must to our eyes to there people around us, and with a willingness to sacrifice everything, just ask our savior Jesus Christ did for us.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


City Groups Fall '18 - Week 1

City Groups Fall '18 - Week 1


Welcome back City Group Leaders! We hope you had a great August break. We're excited to get groups kicked off for the Fall.

This week's discussion focuses on the importance of sound doctrine for the believer. Our lives, and those of the members in your groups, are filled with many different doctrines vying for attention. With this in mind, Paul calls Timothy to "pay close attention to your life and your teaching." In his sermon, Pastor Dean showed us that maturing christians are anchored in sound doctrine. As we get things kicked off this Fall, let's call our group members to live lives that are devoted to, delight in, and defend right teaching.


Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


City Groups Summer '18 - Week 9

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 9


Hello City Group Leaders! We are on Week 9, our last week of summer City Groups. We will take a break in August, learn together at our next Leader Training (8/26) and begin meeting again the week of Sept. 9. 

Psalm 123 begins and ends with our focus on God. He is our source of approval, satisfaction, joy; He is our contentment. Whenever those around us chide us, or mock us, we know that it is God in whom we are satisfied. So be bold with the Gospel, and lead your group members towards a greater reliance on God and His mercy. Fully depending on God, glorifies Him!

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


City Groups Summer '18 - Week 8

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 8


"His praise endures forever"- Welcome to week 8! Psalm 111 is a song of praise inspired by our awesome God. His works are great, powerful, wondrous, remembered, just, faithful, and enduring. These are more than just words, they are a reality that our hearts and minds sometimes struggle to understand. This is the purpose of praise.  We praise to remember, we remember to praise. We worship because of Who God is and we praise the LORD so that our “whole heart” might by full of God's joy forever. 

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


City Groups Summer '18 - Week 7

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 7


Welcome City Group Leaders to Week 7 and Psalm 100. We all know what to do if your team wins… you shout and sing! Psalm 100 is a focused and encouraging a joyful song to the one most worthy of our highest praise. It is an uplifting praise to God, for the fact that he has made us His people, and that God’s love (unlike the love of this world) endures forever.

Encourage your group in the face of a troubled world to the delight of the praises of the Lord, and if you feel up to it this week, perhaps even sing them! ;)


Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


City Groups Summer '18 - Week 6

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 6


Welcome City Group Leaders to Week 6. Psalm 73 reflects upon the struggle of temptation. It peers within at the easy and slippery path of jealousy and doubt during troubled times; a path that tries to lead us away from what God has laid before us. Let us encourage and remind one another to cling to God as our refuge and salvation no matter what the circumstances.  

PS. Don't forget to show your city group Dean's baptism video during the announcements section of your meeting time. :)

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 


City Groups Summer '18 - Week 5

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 5


It is July! Welcome back Group leaders to Week 5. Psalm 51 is one of the most gut wrenching, raw, passages in the Bible. Having come face to face with his transgressions and hypocrisy, David makes a public plea and apology directly to God for His mercy. We talk about repentance of sin in our lives, but it's easy to gloss over the remorse and seriousness of sin. What an amazing reminder and example of how we should react to sin in our lives.



Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 4

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 4

Welcome back to Psalm 49 City Group Leaders! This Psalm presents a very clear distinction between two kinds of people. One is wise and ransomed by God. The other is foolish and stands condemned. One trusts in God to redeem them, while the other trusts in their wealth. No amount of wealth (or human effort) can ransom a human soul from God and we will not be taking any of our wealth with us when we die. Most of us know that. However, the temptation to find meaning and security from our wealth still confronts us daily. Lets reject this foolishness and place our trust fully in Jesus for our ransom, purpose and security in life.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 3

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 3


Welcome back City Group Leaders! We've made it to week 3 and on to Psalm 23. This is one of the most well known and popular Psalms ever. It's often recited at funerals, by hospital beds and even by 90's rap artist Coolio, in his hit song Gangsta's Paradise. Psalm 23 is also described as the shepherd psalm, as it depicts God as our good Shepherd; safely guiding, protecting and gently caring for His flock.  Guide your city groups through all the ins and outs of this powerful Psalm. Help them see the many ways God shepherds us and especially how this is most clearly seen in Jesus Christ. "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." (John 10:11)

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 2

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 2

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It's week 3 of City Groups and we are on to Psalm 23! This may be one of the most well known and popular Psalms ever. It's often used at funerals, at hospital bedsides, or even by 90's rapper Coolio, in his hit song Gangsta's Paradise. It's also known as the Shepherd Song as it portrays God as our good Shepherd; gently guiding, protecting and caring for His flock. Guide your city groups through all the ins and outs of this powerful Psalm and help them come to appreciate the shepherd qualities of our great God. 

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 1

City Groups Summer '18 - Week 1


It's our first week of City Groups for the Summer! Welcome back!

We are appropriately kicking off our Summer in the Psalms with Psalm 1. What a great opportunity to help group members learn how to rightly read and apply the Psalms to their everyday lives. Psalm 1, sets the stage for the whole book by contrasting two types of people, who live two different ways and have two different destinies. Help your group see this fork in the road and how the way to flourishing points us to Jesus; 'the way, the truth and the life"...the only way to God. (John 14:6)

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: