Groups Summer '19 - Week 6

Groups Summer '19 - Week 6

Greetings Leaders,

This week we're looking at Psalm 9 together. Psalm 9 centers on the judgment and justice of the Lord. David, the author of the psalm, reflects on the Lord's kindness to him and the nation of Israel in judging the nations that were opposed to God's people while still awaiting a future judgment of all nations that would one day bring justice to the poor and oppressed.

As Christians, we understand this judgment now through Jesus. Our confession is that we deserved the just punishment of God, but Jesus took the punishment in our place and extended mercy to us. He has heard our cry!

But, we know the story isn't over. The church, God's people, still has an enemy that seeks to destroy it. So, we look forward together to that day when Jesus, our Lord, will one day execute judgment once and for all.

I hope this is a great discussion for you and your groups. I'm praying for you. Please let us know if you need anything.

Thank you for your leadership!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Summer '19 - Week 5

Groups Summer '19 - Week 5

Greetings City Group Leaders,

This week's discussion turns to Psalm 8. This psalm draws its readers in to worship the majestic name of our great God. At the heart of this psalm is a confession that the God of all is mindful of us through Jesus. We hope this is a great time of reflection and discussion for you and your groups. We are grateful for you!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Summer '19 - Week 4

Groups Summer '19 - Week 4

Greetings City Group Leaders,

We hope you're having a great summer.

This week we continue our discussion of the Psalms, focusing on Psalm 7. You may notice in the discussion guide some repetition in questions from week to week. The reason for this is to help you and your group approach the Psalms (and all scripture) with a set of consistent questions. These questions can help us better understand the text and more clearly communicate its meaning to others.

Thank you for your leadership!
Joe and Kaylan

  • Discussion Guide HERE

  • Video….coming soon

Groups Summer '19 - Week 3

Groups Summer '19 - Week 3

Group Leaders,

Summer is now fully underway. Thank you again for stepping up and leading your groups. We're hearing great things about several of your groups being off to a great start. 

We are still having several people sign up for groups. As they do, please be sure to reach out to them and welcome them to your group. 

This week's discussion turns our focus to Psalm 6 and navigates through how God both rebukes us and has mercy on us. We hope it's a great discussion for your time together.

Groups Summer '19 - Week 2

Groups Summer '19 - Week 2

We hope your summer is off to a great start. We're having A LOT of people interested in groups for the summer semester and we thank you for your continued leadership and intentional focus over the summer.

We are continuing our summer sermon series in the book of Psalms. This book is so comforting to us as humans as it is full of expressions of a wide range of feelings, from hope and joy to despair and doubt; but regardless of whatever the writer was experiencing, God’s name was always glorified. What an incredible source of encouragement and comfort to us!

As always, we are here to serve. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Summer '19 - Week 1

Groups Summer '19 - Week 1

Greetings City Group Leaders,

Summer is finally here! Thank you for stepping up to lead this term.

We are spending another Summer in the Psalms at City Church. Many have referred to the book of Psalms as the "Hymn Book" of the Bible. There we encounter many songs of praise, songs of lament, songs of confession, and many more. All serve to direct our attention and affection to God alone who is our "righteousness," "refuge," "strength," and so much more. 

We hope you and your groups are blessed by this study!

Groups Spring '19 - Week 15

Groups Spring '19 - Week 15

It's here! We are in our last week of groups for this term. Thank you all for your leadership of your groups this round. It's been a great ride through the end of the book of Mark. 

This week our discussion turns to the end of Mark's gospel account. In our passage, Mark writes of the resurrection of Jesus. His abbreviated ended leaves his readers wrestling with how will they, how will you, respond to the fact that Jesus is risen from the grave. 

As you look at the discussion guide you will note that we've decided to condense the discussion this week to allow more time for prayer in your group time. It's recommended that you take some time in your groups to pray through 1 Corinthians 15. It's fitting to end our study of the book of Mark in a time of concentrated prayer, giving thanks for what God has done for us through Jesus and his resurrection. 

Thank you for your labors in the Lord. 

Your Co-Laborers in Christ, 

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '19 - Week 14

Groups Spring '19 - Week 14

Greetings City Group Leaders,

We hope you've had a wonderful Easter celebration of the resurrection of our Lord! He is risen! What great news! 

We have 2 weeks of City Groups left before we break. Thank you all for your efforts in leading this term!

In our discussion this week we will take a look back at the crucifixion of Christ. Mark includes in his gospel so many details that can't be missed. We've included a few of them in this guide. We are praying that your discussion will be enriching and encouraging. 


Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '19 - Week 13

Groups Spring '19 - Week 13

Greetings City Group Leaders,

We only have a few weeks left of City Group meetings for this term. Thank you all for your leadership this round. It's been great walking through Mark together!

This week our discussion turns to the trial and condemnation of Jesus. We will look at why the religious leaders accused Jesus, what amazed Pilate about Jesus' testimony (or lack thereof), and how Jesus by remaining silent when he faces lies and violence shows the world exactly who he is. 

Please make sure to pay attention to the reminders and announcements this week. We have some exciting events ahead.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '19 - Week 12

Groups Spring '19 - Week 12

Group leaders,

Our Easter services are just around the corner. We’d love to hear about any conversations you’re having with your group attendees about inviting others to our Easter services or anyone that you’re inviting to Easter!

We are continuing to spend time this week talking about the importance of prayer as Jesus spent a lot of time praying leading up to the cross (how much more do we need to be spending concentrated time in prayer if God’s own Son did so?!). We are providing a prayer guide to pray through with your group this week during your meeting time. We trust this will be a time of corporate growth as we pray together.

Feel free to let us know how your time praying together went! Below are links to the study guide, Mark 14 video, and the promo video for our upcoming Women’s event (more info in the study guide about that!).

Thank you for how you faithfully serve our church!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '19 - Week 11

Groups Spring '19 - Week 11

Greetings Leaders,

Thank you all for your continued leadership of your groups. We are hearing great stories about your discussions on Mark. Please keep us updated and let us know what we can do to help you in leading your groups.

You will notice in the announcements we've mentioned sign-ups for Easter volunteers. Please make sure you mention this to your group members as we need a lot of volunteers for Easter at the Civic Center.

This week's discussion focuses on one of the most intense parts of the Bible, Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane and facing abandonment by all. This week we will observe why the disciples mistook Jesus' earthly mission and how Jesus remained faithful despite abandonment and suffering. We hope this is a great discussion for you and your groups. 

Thank you for your leadership!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Spring '19 - Week 10

Groups Spring '19 - Week 10

Easter is approaching fast! This weeks discussion continues to focus on the last days of Jesus' earthly life and ministry. We will discuss Jesus' last meal with his disciples before his betrayal. We'll talk about how the Lord's Supper points to our hope in the finished work of Christ, and spend some time praying for this Easter season in Tallahassee.

Thank you for your leadership of your groups. City Church couldn't have the ministry it does without your valued labors.

  • Discussion Guide here

  • Watch Mark 14:12-26 here

Groups Spring '19 - Week 9

Groups Spring '19 - Week 9

We are hearing some great things about our City Groups!  One group organized a tour of both The Women's Pregnancy Center and The PHI Center here in Tallahassee (both dedicated to helping women and families through pregnancies and post-natal family life) to better learn how they could partner with one of these organizations.  Another group leader cooks dinner most every Sunday night and those who want to show up to eat can and do. We've heard of some great theological discussions that are happening and tremendous growth in knowledge of God's Word just from these dinners.  And many members of another City Group attended disaster relief training last Saturday.  Thank you all for being wonderful examples of faithful service.  God is using your sacrifice of time and resources to reach and grow so many!  We hope these stories will encourage you as much as it encourages us.

Please keep in mind that it is Spring Break this week.  Proactively communicate details with your group about your plans for meeting this week.  We realize that some (many even) of your groups may not meet due to many members being out of town.  If that is the case, try going out for dinner or dessert with those still in town and enjoy a night of fun and fellowship instead.  Be creative, but be in community and be encouraging one another!

We echo Paul's sentiments to the believers in Philippi as we thank God for each one of you and joyfully pray for you and your groups as we serve our Lord together!

  • Discussion Guide here

  • Watch recap video here

Groups Spring '19 - Week 8

Groups Spring '19 - Week 8

This week, we will get to discuss faithful endurance in our spiritual lives as we consider some passages in Hebrews based on Sunday’s sermon by missionary Thomas West. How convicting and encouraging both at the same time! Take some time before your group meets and read through Hebrews 11 and be encouraged by the many men and women, sinners just like each one of us, who placed their faith in God and endured until the end.

The discussion guide ends with a challenge to memorize Hebrews 12:2. Let’s all encourage one another within our groups to commit this portion of God’s word to our memories!

And speaking of faithful endurance, thank you to each one of our group leaders and co-leaders and hosts for faithfully serving and leading in these capacities! We are so thankful for you all!

  • Discussion Guide here

Another resource we’d love for you to take a look at on your own time this week (and e-mail out to your group attendees) is a fantastic recap video of what we’ve covered in Mark up to this point. It’s about 10 minutes long and well worth your time!

  • What the Mark recap video here

Groups Spring '19 - Week 7

Groups Spring '19 - Week 7

Hello City Group Leaders,

After a great weekend with Dr. Whitney, we are now back in Mark 13. This week we will look at Jesus' words about his second coming and his call to us to be his workers while we wait for him.

We hope you really enjoyed the time with Dr. Whitney last weekend. Thank you for your leadership and engagement in your groups!

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

Groups Spring '19 - Week 5

Groups Spring '19 - Week 5

Hello Again City Group Leaders, 

We're hearing great reports on groups this semester. Thank you for continuing to update us!

This weeks discussion focuses on Mark 13:1-27 where Jesus prophesies of coming persecution, the destruction of the temple, and his return. What a passage to dive into together! We will observe together how we can hope in Christ no matter what our circumstances are, and how Jesus calls us to live faithfully in light of his return.

We are praying for your meetings. Thank you for your continued leadership.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

Groups Spring '19 - Week 4

Groups Spring '19 - Week 4

Greetings City Group Leaders,

We're now off to a great start of our discussion of Mark's gospel in our groups. Thank you for you continued efforts to lead your groups and encourage our church toward maturity in Christ.

This week we will be focusing on the widow's offering in Mark 12:41-44 and the implications for our generosity today.

Also, we will be adding in a special time of prayer in our groups this week that align with our emphasis in the service next Sunday (February 17th).

Please let us know how your groups are going. We will be making our way around to visit you and your group soon. Thank you for your leadership.


Joe and Kaylan

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

Groups Spring '19 - Week 3

Groups Spring '19 - Week 3

Greetings City Group Leaders,

We're hearing great reports of starting discussions in Mark. This week we are continuing our Mark series looking at Mark 12:38-40. We will focus on how faith in Jesus allows us to surpass the religion of the scribes. 

We've included a few reminders on this week's discussion guide. Most notably among them, our Faith and Work lunch is coming up this Wednesday, February 6th from 12:00-1:00 and Equip Classes start Sunday, February 10th. Please encourage your group members to sign up.

Thank you for you commitment to lead your groups and your service to our church.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

Groups Spring '19 - Week 2

City Group Leaders,

Thank you for a great start to City Groups this semester! It has been SO encouraging to hear about so many “new to groups” people getting plugged in this past week. Don’t forget to take a selfie of your group and post to social media with #citygroupstally if you are able!

We probably will still be having new people reach out over the course of the next couple of weeks. Thank you for responding quickly to their inquiries. If you have any questions or need assistance with anything, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We have lots of fantastic events on the horizon and you can check out those details in the discussion guide. And now that we’re back in the book of Mark, we also have an accompanying video which is a great tool to use with your group if you are able.

We appreciate you all so very much!

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

Groups Spring 2019 - Week 1

Greetings City Group Leaders!

We hope you and your families had a wonderful holiday season and that the transition back into “normal” schedules has been a smooth one! This is the last week of our New series as we continue to learn how we have been made new in Christ. We have some important announcements in the Group Discussion Guide so we appreciate your attention to those. Thank you for your service to the church in leading your groups!

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: