
I. Devotion - "3 Ways Ministry Can Make You Conceited

II. Connect 101 Recap - Sunday was our first Connect 101 class in our new Connections pipeline. 

  • 14 adults and 6 kids attended. 
  • Overview of class: 
  • Core values and beliefs - City Groups - Serving - Community Partners - How to Connect - 3 Circles Gospel Conversations 
  • The first Connect 201 class is July 30th (check master calendar for rest of 2017 dates)

III. Three service times - starting August 27th 

  • 8:15am, 9:45am, 11:30am
  • You can begin sharing with core volunteers who you need to ask for teams. Wait to tell publicly until we have a communications plan. 

IV. Cultural Commitments Reflection 

We read through the cultural commitments that were established in 2015. If you need an extra copy of the commitment card, please email Ashlyn or Alex to request one. The summary of that conversation will be emailed out separately. 

V. Other Business 

  • Hunter - Main opportunities to serve with Youth camp are during Thursday student registration (6:00pm) and Saturday night post-camp to turnaround for Sunday. Hunter will email specifics to everyone. 
  • Team Tallahassee - Friday 7/28 - 6:00-8:00pm - optional for staff 
  • Craig - In week 7 (next week) of groups, leaders will take their groups through a one-page exercise on sharing the Gospel with practical ways to do that. Be on the lookout for that. 


Sharper! Conference Theme - "Every Square Inch" 

Department Updates - 

KiDS - working on three services team (trying to get a launch team for new campus) 

-bookmarks for family summer reading list - see kids team if you want one 

-10-year birthday party theme for anniversary weekend


-Please continue to work on the kitchen if you have things in there 

-Kelli is out this week - if you need something from Sam's, see Alex. You need to borrow the guest card and go get it yourself. Try to not bug her with requests. :) 

Production - 

Working on Backstage Pass event for interest in band and production - see Ryan/Todd for more info.

Hunter - 

Youth Summer Camp - talk to Hunter if you want to be involved with serving 

Need help for turnaround team on Saturday night 

Team Tallahassee kick off dinner - Friday 7/28 - see Hunter for more info

Groups/Discipleship - 

Averaging 300 attending summer groups weekly 

Fall groups will start after Labor Day - working on the curriculum 

First training for marriage enrichment team happening this Saturday 

Need more counselors for pre-marital team 

Working on a discipleship resource for men with Wes Bradle


Working on social media analytics - Sarah & Meagan Wilkins (intern)

Keep using the request forms! 


Everybody submit your budgets!


See for any questions about staff reading assignment

Other Business - 

-We are discontinuing our financial support of Alex Rocha this August. Still plan to have mission presence in Cartagena through the IMB

-Send Conference: 

July 25-26 

If you are traveling on your own to do extra time in Orlando, you do you. 

If you're traveling with the staff group, we will leave here on Tuesday AM early. Conference is at FBC Orlando and starts in afternoon. 


We will drive back Wednesday night after the conference ends. 

Let Alex know your travel plans ASAP so we can reserve enough seats for everyone in rental vans. 

Sunday - first Connect 101 class - at 4:00pm in the auditorium. 4 people are currently signed up - there is a form on CCB available. 

-We have a partnership with ECHO for refugee help - donations go directly to ECHO. Cards w/ contact info available in the Care Room. 

-Mail and packages - if you get the mail, please put it in Kelli's box so she can distribute it. Do NOT leave it in random places. 

Please take packages addressed to a specific person. If it's addressed to City Church, open it up and try to figure out where it goes to. Don't just leave it in the lobby. Send a text to the staff group text to figure it out. 


1.     Devotion

2.     Knuckles

3.     Fall Service Times

            - 3 services starting this fall (possibly Aug. 27 or Sept. 3)

            - Services times TBD but will be nailed down quickly to allow time to

             plan/build teams.

            - Goal is all morning services


4.     Dean’s Sabbatical

            - Dean is out now through the last week of July.

            - Take any church business to Alex, Ashlyn or the Elders if needed.

            - Be praying for Dean and the family during this break. Pray that he gets

  some much needed time to focus on his family and that he comes back

  renewed, refreshed and ready to roll with a busy Fall at City Church.


5.     Other business

-       City Church U- Forming a Student Leadership Team of 60-80 students that will be expected to:

1.     Commit to attending services

2.     Attend a monthly meeting

3.     Lead something

-       Let Hunter know if there are any students in your ministry area that would be a good fit.

-       Please park in the paved lot during the week so the grass can stay as nice as possible in front of the building.

-       Kitchen - It’s a hot mess. If you have anything in there that can be thrown away or moved, please do so. If you have items that need to stay, please organize it.

-       Fire exits - These cannot be blocked in case of emergency or fire inspection. Please remove any items currently blocking these exits. Ryan has offered to help take anything to storage that you don’t have room for here.

-       Sams - Kelli will be out of town next week, if you think you might need something from Sams, let her know by tomorrow and she’ll be sure to pick it up. Also, a guest Sams card will be made available in case anyone needs it next week.

-       From Dean - please make the extra effort to connect with people in the lobby on Sunday mornings.


SBC 2017 Recap

Watch Dr. Russell Moore, President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, speak to the resolution condemning white supremacy at the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting last week in Phoenix, AZ. 



Volunteers Who Step Down 

If one of your volunteers steps down from their serving position, please make a note in MyCityChurch on their profile so that other team leaders can be aware, if that person requests to start serving in a new role. Just because someone steps down doesn't mean they can't serve in another area, but if there are specific reasons to consider for asking that person to wait before beginning to serve again, it is helpful information for the staff to know. 


Please also take the opportunity to inform staff at a future All Staff meeting. 


Staff Reading Assignment

If you have not already, please pick up your assigned book from the meeting room. We are still waiting on a few more to come in, so check back if yours has not arrived yet. Kelli has order status for each book if you have any questions. 


Care News

Alex & Ryan Carroll, who are City Church-ers, lost their baby Knox just before Alex was scheduled to be induced. Alex's sister, Alison, has been a faithful City Church volunteer. Alex & Ryan are also believers. Please be praying for them and for their family. Several staff have reached out and a deacon will be contacting them for care opportunities as well. 


Kate Blosser serves as a Communications volunteer, and her father had a stroke over the weekend. She is down in south Florida with him and has asked that we continue praying for his recovery. 


Keys For Storage & Trucks

The keys for the trucks, trailer, and storage are all located in the grey cabinet/console in the Production booth. If you use the keys PLEASE return them to that spot. 


1.     Devotion

a.     Jared Wilson post - Please read (link in email)

b.     Staff reading assignment – Over the next several months, we will be investing in reading time as a staff. You will receive a shared Google Doc with a list of books, each one assigned to a different staff member. You will receive the actual book within the next 2 weeks and will be assigned a due date to read the book and prepare a general report to present at All Staff on a given day. At the end of the presentations, we will do a book swap and you will have the opportunity to exchange books and read a new one that may interest you based on the All Staff reports.

2.     Knuckles

3.     KiDS Camp Day 1 Updates & Recap

a.     No major updates – Rain is expected tomorrow, so please be prepared to help in any way as needed.

b.     Say thank-you to volunteers serving this week – it goes a long way!

4.     Department Updates

a.     Todd – IT everything is working

                                               i.     Band is recruiting for fall semester – send vocalists and musicians to Todd

                                              ii.     Backstage Pass – developing an opportunity for people to learn how to serve in band and production, technology – snapshot of volunteer positions and training. More info coming soon – happening in July.

b.     Hunter

                                               i.     99 project updates – 51 partnering – around $34,000 annually committed - $5,000 in one-time gifts

                                              ii.     City Church U – building a team of student leaders right now (group leaders and/or high capacity team leaders)

                                             iii.     Youth – Zach Meredith transition continues – youth volunteers have been notified

                                             iv.     Sam Wittek – fully funded for residency! – He will begin in July as a next generation music leader.

c.     Robert 

                                               i.     Working on budget for 2017-2018

d.     Alex

                                               i.     Travel updates – Dean, Ashlyn, Alex in Phoenix, AZ from Saturday 6/10-Thursay 6/15

                                              ii.     Many people out this Sunday – please make an extra effort to have eyes for problems or opportunities if you are here.

                                             iii.     Get credit card receipts in to Kelli ASAP

                                             iv.     New office space – construction beginning soon, plan to move in by the end of June.

                                              v.     Portables – permits are getting applied for this week

                                             vi.     New approach to collecting offering – starting the week of June 18th

e.     Communications

                                               i.     4,000+ likes on the City Church Facebook page!

                                              ii.     Staff page on website – updated headshots and bios are happening – see Chelsea if you need one or need to submit a bio

                                             iii.     New requests process is moving along – success so far – please keep using the system.

f.       Production

                                               i.     “Backstage Pass” volunteer training for band & production—happening in July  

                                              ii.     Lord’s Supper will be taken every 2 weeks on Sundays now

g.     KiDS

                                               i.     Child dedications on Father’s Day – sign up on citychurchkids.com

                                              ii.     Finished most recent “Star Wars” series – starting “Diving In” this Sunday (scuba/snorkel/water theme)

h.     Guest Services

                                               i.     Collecting offering in a different way this Sunday

                                              ii.     Changing processes for Lord’s Supper to make it more efficient

                                             iii.     Connect 101 and Connect 201 dates are set – check master calendar for more info

i.       Dean

                                               i.     Leaving for sabbatical in July

                                              ii.     Out this Sunday – Brian Seagraves is preaching

                                             iii.     The official Bible of City Church is now the CSB translation. Please use this translation in your ministry areas.  

j.       Ashlyn

                                               i.     10-Year Anniversary planning is continuing

1.     Saturday night event on 8/19- “A Night To Remember”

a.     Save the date and formal invitations go out this month

b.     For people traveling back to Tallahassee for the Ten events, they can use a hotel block at Home2 Suites (at Park & Magnolia – new hotel) with a special City Church rate.

5.     Other Business

a.     City Groups are launching this week – be inviting people and pointing people to the website to sign up.

b.     We had record numbers this past Sunday (6/4)!

                                               i.     1130 in the auditorium for both services (up almost 350 from this time last year)

                                              ii.     266 in KiDS for both services – highest attendance in City Church KiDS ever!

6.     Closing Prayer


All Staff Rescheduled

All Staff for next Monday (6/5) is rescheduled for 3:00pm on Monday, due to KiDS Camp happening in the morning. 



Leading Change Conference 

On Thursday, Sept. 7th, City Church will host a one-day conference called "Leading Change" hosted by LifeWay and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Florida Baptist Convention. 


More details to come, there will be minor requirements for staff that day. For conference info, see leadingchange.church. 



Policy on Hosting Weddings

We are working on creating a formal policy for hosting weddings at Sessions. Since we are a church that values marriage and wants to support couples who go through pre-marital counseling and are members at City Church, here is what we are currently able to offer for the foreseeable future, that accommodates couples but protects the staff from biting off more than we can chew: 


We can accommodate an outdoor ceremony ONLY. No receptions. 

Couple must be City Church members (this is to protect us legally).

Please still direct all inquiries to the building request form! 

All setup, decor, furniture, and A/V equipment must be supplied by the wedding party. 


For more details and information, stay tuned for a policy document, or ask Ashlyn or Alex. 



Other Business Items


1. Please be more specific in detailing your meal receipts. We must be able to know who you paid for, and what you talked about or worked on to justify the meal as a work expense. Writing a name + department is not sufficient. 


2. City Groups launch this Sunday! There are 37 groups meeting for the summer - awesome! Be pointing people to groups and the groups page, and be praying for a great first week of groups. 


3. "Cool Breeze," who cleans the building at Sessions, is currently in the hospital at TMH. He had a seizure and is still receiving treatment and care. Craig has his room number if you'd like to go visit. 


4. Donnie Brodeur's grandfather is in hospice. Please be praying for the family. 



KiDS Camp Info!


Setup happening on Sunday immediately following the 11:00 service. If you have not received your assignment for setup OR to get a full schedule and map of KiDS Camp, please stop by the KiDS office tomorrow or Sunday morning. 


Volunteers will arrive between 8:00-8:15 for breakfast each morning. 


Watch or rewatch the KiDS Camp training video (sent via MailChimp) to make sure you've got all the info you need to serve next week. 


Staff will serve as greeters during check-in. Please make sure to try to walk parents and kids to their classrooms, instead of just pointing. 


For any questions, see a KiDS staff member. 


Kindergarten & 1st grade - in KiDS Space 

2nd-5th grade - in Auditorium 


1.     Devotion – Dean

a.     Wrapping up Leadership Mosaic

b.     Talking through 10-year anniversary series – “Ten”

                                               i.     Announcing multi-site the weekend of the anniversary

                                              ii.     Spending the series looking through the state of Tallahassee:

1.     The longing – we must be a church that helps people discover what their true longing really is

2.     The lie – The gospel challenges and redirects our worldly longings 

3.     The light – Tallahassee needs the light of Jesus

2.     Knuckles

3.     Funeral at City Church - Tuesday 2:00-4:00pm – around 100 people

a.     Family arrives around 2:00pm

b.     Funeral starts at 3:00pm

c.     Wrap up around 4:00pm

4.     Coffee & Connections event – Friday, August 4 – 8:00-9:00am

a.     We are the program sponsor for Coffee & Connections, a networking event for Access Tallahassee (Young Professionals sector with the Chamber of Commerce)

b.     Hosting the event here on 8/4.
Staff need – be here, talk to people, invite people to City Church.

5.     Weekend events

a.     TalTech Expo – Friday 9:00-5:00am – taltech.org for more info

                                               i.     Lunch & keynote speaker – 12:00-1:15pm

                                              ii.     Setup happening on Thursday afternoon

                                             iii.     Production needs – see Ryan if you want to help

                                             iv.     Ryan is staff contact

b.     City Group leader training – Saturday 9:00am-12:00pm

c.     David Phelps concert – ask Todd for info

                                               i.     Setup team arrives at 10:00am for load-in on Saturday

                                              ii.     Sound check around 2:00 or 3:00pm

                                             iii.     Greeters – 5:00-7:00pm on Saturday if you want to help

                                             iv.     Concert starts at 7:00pm until about 9:00pm

6.     Other business

a.     Youth block party this Wednesday – 7:00pm at City Church

b.     Owners night calls – if you haven’t finished your calls, please finish them ASAP!

c.     Teagan Sullivan tree – out near the oak and the cross in the parking lot – in memory of the Herigs’ granddaughter. 

7.     Closing prayer


1.     Conference Updates – Dean & Todd

a.     Dean – Mega Metro Conference

                                               i.     Trends in American Christianity –

1.     Projecting that liberal, mainline Protestant churches will cease to exist in 23 years.

2.     We’ve communicated that Sunday church attendance isn’t very important. We must bring back and reinforce the beauty and necessity of Sunday church attendance.

3.     47% of unbelievers think that pursuing mission work is extreme.

4.     Nominal Christians are becoming the “Nones” but committed Christians are remaining committed.

5.     86% of Americans believe that the ultimate goal of life is to find self-fulfillment and happiness.

6.     Bible reading matters more than any other spiritual discipline in regards to church growth and personal spiritual growth

b.     Todd – LIFT Conference (Passion City Church)

                                               i.     Culture is critical – we must lead culture

                                              ii.     It’s important to not just steward people’s gifts and talents, but to invest in them personally and take pastoral opportunities with our people.

                                             iii.     We’re sometimes afraid to let people go who aren’t fits for culture or who hurt established culture, when really those people may be preventing us from growing.

2.     Knuckles

3.     Owner’s Night Updates

a.     May 21st

b.     Needs:

                                               i.     KiDS team volunteers – talk to Ginger

                                              ii.     Greeters – staff floaters

                                             iii.     Help with setup after 11:00am service that day

c.     Staff should arrive by 4:00pm for owners night

d.     Programming

                                               i.     Theme – Membership commitments and transferring from Ownership to Membership.

                                              ii.     Teaching on the Connection process at City Church, from First Look to Membership and on into continued membership.

e.     Invite will go out via Eventbrite email this week

4.     Call list assignment

a.     See your assignment via email attachment

b.     Please have all calls completed by Thursday 5/11 COB

5.     2017-2018 Budget

a.     Robert will be meeting with you over the next few weeks to go over the next year’s budget and to compile all projected spending and budget requests for ministry areas.

6.     Thank-you notes for Janice Elyea – going above and beyond to take ownership of the church property by picking up trash on her own.

7.     Other business

a.     Communications – The Tallahassee Democrat ran an article over the weekend talking about care for refugees. http://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2017/05/04/stewart-refugees-strength-and-courage-inspire/101150418/

                                               i.     You can direct any questions or requests for comments to Chelsea.

b.     Missions – There are still spots open for the trip to Cartagena, Colombia with the IMB. If you know of anyone who would be interested in going on this trip, please direct the people to Michael Fertig. Bonus points for people who are business savvy.

c.     Do not give out personal cell phone numbers of staff – unless you have received approval from that person. Give out work number + extension or an email address.

d.     David Olawale and his family are moving to Indianapolis in July. Lucy Ngatia is taking over the prayer team later this summer.

e.     Looking for new volunteers for the refugee team. For specific opportunities, contact Craig or Jen Stewart.

f.       Child Dedications are this Sunday – Mother’s Day. Giving out chocolates to moms.

8.     Closing prayer


1.     Knuckles

2.     Department Updates


·      Events happening in the auditorium: PHI Center banquet, TalTech Conference, David Phelps Concert – be aware


·      Child dedications coming up on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day

·      Move-up Sunday is May 21st

·      130 kids signed up for kids camp


·      Summer groups are ramping up – looking for new leaders

·      Marriage enrichment event – May 20th (training launching afterwards for a team)

·      Craig will be re-assuming the premarital queues and baptism process, and city group follow up while Cam is out this summer.


·      77 at Grace Church on Easter Sunday – first baptism that day

·      3 CC students going to NOLA for Gen Send

·      2 students are studying in London and working with IMB

·      Cam is going to Botswana this summer


·      101 class is coming together for launch on May 21st

·      May 21st is the owners night to transition to membership and pledge commitments


·      Preaching through Mark in May and June

·      Working on multi-site plans


·      Turn in credit card purchase requests by the 3rd

·      Will be coming around to ministry areas asking for projected spending for the rest of the year.


·      Youth parent night on May 10th

·      Block party on 5-17

·      Move-up Sunday for 6th graders is May 24th

·      Push college students into groups

·      City Church U summer schedule is out

·      Sam Wittek fundraising – about 50% - hoping to be done by the end of May

Hospitality Team (formerly Guest Services)

·      Now called the Hospitality Team

·      Launching team leaders this Sunday

·      Working on a new volunteer onboarding process using video trainings


·      We closed on the house on Sessions Road – renovations begin soon to occupy for office space hopefully by end of May


·      Working on leadership development for the band

·      New guitar player – Charles Hopkins

·      Recruiting for the band – pass any names on to Todd


·      10-year anniversary planning


3.     Communication process presentation

Graphics Request Form Process

·      See handout attached

·      For questions or to schedule a sit-down meeting to talk through the graphic needs of your ministry, email Chelsea.


4.     Thank-you note reminder

·      Write a note to Cam before Wednesday 


5.     Other business

·      Any expired emails (interns, volunteers, etc.) – send to Todd so that he can delete them

·      Send a note to Amy Casto, Sarah Stephens, and Jeff Herig for a “Happy 1-year in Sessions Road campus” thank-you message.




1.     Devotion – Dean

a.     Pg. 177 – The difference between union with Christ and communion with Christ. What cannot change is our sonship; what can change is our fellowship. God’s desire for our welfare doesn’t change, but our experience of God’s blessing changes if we are not in communion with Christ.

2.     Knuckles

3.     First Look recap

a.     9:00am service – 2 (Gary and  people came, both fairly new to City Church. 11:00am service – 2 people came (mother and daughter). Invited by Sybil Englert.

Main focus on getting info on City Groups to get connected.


Have staff members sit down with visitors so everyone is not standing up around people.

KiDS team - make a concentrated effort to get new families to First Look.


4.     Easter Debrief

a.     Wins

Volunteer culture

10:00am service time

KiDS walkie talkies for better communication

Elementary kid greeters w/ bubble machine – created environment

Working with PSG (music and production)

Service reflecting the culture we want and supporting the message

Smooth production of service

Team leaders (Guest services) overseeing different areas within GS

Multiple guest services stations

Thousands of people heard the Gospel

Easy to invite people to the service

Recruitment and training of follow up team

Led someone to Christ in the Care room

Greeting on the way in

Social media response and activity from Easter media


Volunteer breakfast was great

Smooth logistics

Jim Marsh’s testimony video

Buzz about Ruby Diamond


b. What to improve

More signage (KiDS) and volunteer greeters for a larger presence and buzz

More checkout stations (KiDS)

Separate trucks for KiDS and Guest Services

Volunteers who signed up to serve but didn’t show up on Sunday – holding more accountability 

Signage (Guest Services) – need new signs and ensuring correctness for directional signage

¼ of the cards turned in from last year

Response from contact card – grow return

Same level of greeters on the way out

Saturday setup for lighting (Production)

Plan a service push back on the front end

Social media roll out plan for next year

Plan for media access in KiDS area – identifying photographers

Next Steps social media roll out – highlighting digitally to help people connect after the service (especially for people who didn’t fill out a card)

Getting to people’s phones for connection during follow up week

Longer lead-time for Easter graphics design process

Continuing to reach college students and make a huge drive to Easter for college students

Better communication to the Civic Center on our setup needs – more centralized communication to event manager. Documents from each ministry area of what is needed.



c. Major needs for 2018

Check-in process – printers and better technology

IT guy for KiDS (relieve Todd)

Work with PSG again

Bigger push for a production tear-down team for Sunday


 5. Other Business items

1.     Volunteer appreciation lunch this Sunday, 4-30, right after the 11:00am service for Guest Services (back in Kids)

2.     Write a thank-you note to Amy Shomberg for her help with Guest Services. She is graduating and getting married and moving to Virginia soon.

3.     Address – 228 Dixie Drive Apt. 212 Tallahassee, FL 32304

4.     City Church U is tonight! Continuing to push The 99 Project.

5.     Youth summer camp registration is open now! Citychurchtallahassee.com/youth

6.     For any more info on David Phelps concert, ask Todd.

7.     See Craig for a handout on summer City Group plans if you didn’t get one.

8.     Cam’s last day for the summer will be May 3rd. Please say thank you to him.

9.     3 baptisms this Sunday. See Craig for more info.

10.  Tomorrow Janelle Irwin will be filming in the auditorium tomorrow morning 9:30-12:30. Please be mindful of that happening.

11.  Quarterly reminder to read your email J

12.  Quarterly reminder to pick up trash as you walk through the building.

13.  Attach picture of Dean from funeral

14.  This Sunday is dress up Sunday for Gospel Project Star Wars in KiDS


1. Please take time this week to write a thank you note for Brett Eustice, our Easter event manager at the Civic Center, for managing all of our details and working with the Civic Center staff to make sure Easter went off. You can address that envelope and send it to: 505 West Pensacola Street, 32301. 


2. Next Monday we will have a full Easter review at All Staff. Take this week to debrief with your teams and talk about wins, challenges, things to learn and improve for next year, etc., and we will discuss next Monday. 


3. Update on Easter Follow Up: Connect cards are being entered into the system by data-entry team. At least 3 people indicated they made a decision to trust in Christ for the first time! 


This week will involve follow up with all the people who turned in cards (currently around 90 + online form submissions) by the 30+ person follow up team. A full report will be given next Monday. Please be praying for the conversations and initial follow up that will take place this week. 


4. Kids and Youth camp registrations are open now! Direct people to citychurchkids.com and citychurchtallahassee.com/youth


5. City Church U is next Monday night, 4/24 at 8:00pm. Share the event and invite people Facebook. 


6. Todd is getting together info about David Phelps concert happening on May 20th. 


7. We are hosting a funeral for Jim Sauls (Bob Sauls' brother) this Saturday at 2:00pm. Information to come on any staff requirements or details about the service. 


8.  Church Bonifay update - 77 people at their Easter launch service + a baptism! Please continue to pray for Nathan Price as he leads the church as the senior pastor. 


We also got to hear from Jimmy Scroggins and Kevin Mahoney from Family Church in West Palm. Now that Easter is past us, we will ramp up in conversations and planning around going multi-site as a church in 2018. Continue talking and praying with your teams about some next steps: 

1. Who you can recommend to send on a core team to the new campus. 

2. Compiling processes and systems for your team that can be replicated at a new campus. 

3. Pray for the elders and Dean as they continue to research and determine a location (region and physical space) for a second campus. 


Thankful to serve with each of you! Get some rest tonight! 


Devotion - Dean 

1 Cor. 15 

The Resurrection is crucial to our faith. 

If there is no Resurrection, our faith is in vain. 

Since we know that Jesus did rise from the dead, there are implications for our faith. 

Our perishable bodies must put on the imperishable, and then we can say "Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" (1 Cor. 15:4-55) 


Sharper Conference recap - Ginger 

4 takeaways: 

1. A consistent vision is important in mobilizing people for ministry 

2. Statistics help us prepare to live on mission (we know where people are, how many people we are trying to reach, and who we need to reach to move the needle in lostness in our city). 

3. Cohesive ministries are successful - every team is pointing people to one place (at Family Church it is their next steps class - First Connection - to take a next step in the church). 

4. Great hospitality advances the vision of reaching people by helping people feel cared for and welcomed. 


Department Updates 


Youth - 

Color Clash event is on April 12th - games, color bombs w/ powder paint, and invites to Wednesday night services. 


City Church U - 

Next service on April 24th - 

Recruiting students to canvas in areas by campus 

The 99 Project is live - will be pushed large-scale after Easter. Visit the99project.cc for more info and to sign up to give! 


Guest Services - 

~100 volunteers for Easter 

The Sunday team is continuing to grow - 5 new volunteers this past Sunday! 


Connections - 

NEXT will be changing into 2 classes to separate a "next steps" class and a membership class. Those will be tentatively called "Connect 101" for next steps and "Connect 201" for membership. 

There will also be a "First Look" class offered on Sundays for guests who want a first glance and chance to know how to get connected at City Church. 


Connect 101 and Connect 201 will begin to be implemented in May. 

First Look is tentatively scheduled to begin the Sunday after Easter. 


More info is coming about these specific dates and how this process will roll out for current owners and new members. Some helpful info for now: 

-Current owners will be grandfathered into the new membership system. 

-Prospective members who attend the first Connect 101 class will be invited to a Members gathering that same night (stay tuned for date/time/info) that will allow all current and new members to be updated on the changes to membership and to sign a new member agreement to begin or renew their church membership. 


Missions - 

60 people attended the missions informational meeting yesterday about upcoming trips and ways to get involved with mission trips. 


KiDS - 

Registration for KiDS Camp (June 5-9) opens at Easter on 4.16! Registration is online at citychurchkids.com


Music - 

Sets for Good Friday and Easter are done. 

City Church will be hosting the David Phelps concert on Saturday 5/20 at 7:00pm. More info to come soon. Staff are not required but can volunteer. 


Alex - 

We are purchasing the house on Sessions Road to be converted into office space. 

More info is to come on who will be occupying the house and who will be remaining at City Church for office space. Projected move in date is at the end of May. 


Discipleship - 

Working with follow up teams to be ready for care and follow up at Easter. 

Reminder - all of the church is invited to prayer at the Capitol on Monday 4-10 at 10:00am. 

Planning for summer City Groups - will have a focus on sharing the gospel. 


1.     Devotional

a.     Leadership Mosaic – Dean

                                               i.     The Contemplative Leader – p. 167

                                              ii.     What do our busy lives communicate to our neighbors?

                                             iii.     The cycle of compulsion

1.     Compare, Covet, Compete

2.     Repenting from signs of narcissism.

3.     “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

2.     Sharper Teaching – Zach

a.     3 Circles gospel conversations – how to most effectively use the tool. (https://www.namb.net/video/3-circles-life-conversation-guide) or you can download the 3 Circles app in the Apple App Store.

3.     Knuckles

4.     City Church U update

a.     Big push at Easter tonight

b.     Hoping to launch the 99 Project tonight

                                               i.     Getting students on board to partner through giving

                                              ii.     Pray for successful roll out and that the message transcends to students and creates buy-in. 

5.     Easter check in

a.     KiDS

                                               i.     Volunteer trainings happening from now until 4/9

                                              ii.     Looking for 5 more volunteers to have a completely full team

                                             iii.     Elementary goody bags with service program

b.     Production

                                               i.     Recruiting volunteers for setup that weekend (7am-2pm Saturday – no tech experience required)

                                              ii.     Finalizing elements of the service

c.     Guest Services

                                               i.     Almost at 100 for volunteers – still recruiting

                                              ii.     Putting people into specific teams this week

d.     Connections

                                               i.     Contact card being finalized

                                              ii.     Working on building the follow up team – need more volunteers for post-Easter follow up.

e.     Staff

                                               i.     Fun Easter week staff outing at SkyZone – time and day TBD – be on the lookout for an email from Kelli.  

f.       Prayer & Care

                                               i.     Prayer at the Capitol on Monday 4/10 at 10:00am

                                              ii.     Fasting on Good Friday

                                             iii.     Easter prayer guide is now live – 21 days leading up to Easter

                                             iv.     Care Room available at Easter – in the home team locker room.

1.     Care room volunteers holding signs

2.     Chairs set up inside with Bibles and resources for people

g.     Communications

                                               i.     Program sent to print this week to be finished

                                              ii.     Majority of collateral is finished

                                             iii.     Good Friday Facebook event is live. Easter Facebook event going out this week. Share and invite.

6.     Other Business

a.     Missions info meeting this coming Sunday 4/2 after 11:00am service in the auditorium. Meeting will not go longer than 30 minutes.

b.     Saturday 4/8 – taking a trip to Bonifay to canvas for Easter. Meet at City Church at 9:30am and carpool over to Grace Church.

c.     Bryant Wright is preaching this Sunday at City Church. Senior Pastor of Johnson Ferry Baptist Church. Dean is preaching at Wildwood in town.



1.     Devotion – Leadership notes from Mac Brunson

a.     Good habits leaders need to build:

                                               i.     Humility – know strengths and weaknesses, be quick to give credit

                                              ii.     Purity

                                             iii.     Moral excellence

                                             iv.     Servanthood

                                              v.     Compassion

                                             vi.     Honesty and integrity

                                            vii.     Endurance

                                           viii.     Growth in leadership

b.     What leaders should be watching out for:

                                               i.     Isolation

                                              ii.     Bitterness

                                             iii.     Coasting

                                             iv.     The standard

2.     Knuckles

3.     Sharper Training – Hannah

a.     “Focused Prayer”

4.     99 Project presentation – Hunter

a.      See attached handout for more information

5.      Department updates

a.     Guest Services

                                               i.     New volunteers continuing to come in.

                                              ii.     Push people to Guest Services for Easter volunteer teams.

                                             iii.     Building new teams.

                                             iv.     Working on more informational material for Sunday mornings.

                                              v.     Starting a series of training videos and resources for new volunteers.

b.     Connections

                                               i.     Solidifying the next step class structure (first time guests to joining members) in the next strategic team meeting.

                                              ii.     Grace Church in Bonifay – joining the FBC. Launching on Easter Sunday this year.

c.     Dean

                                               i.     Off this Sunday

                                              ii.     Bryant Wright preaching April 2.

d.     Financial Administration

                                               i.     Will be sharing print outs of budget input and requests for staff to edit and re-submit.

e.     Music

                                               i.     Building band members

f.       Communications

                                               i.     Finishing up Easter graphics and materials

                                              ii.     Recruiting new communications & creative volunteers

                                             iii.     Looking ahead to brand guidelines and standards – next project after Easter

g.     Discipleship

                                               i.     City Groups have reached the halfway mark in the semester

                                              ii.     Planning for summer

                                             iii.     Prayer exercise for Easter – prayer triplets

                                             iv.     Care – looking for new marriage mentors for the marriage enrichment team, which will launch with a marriage event in the fall.

                                              v.     Building a team for baptisms – Sunday support, follow up, etc.

h.     Youth

                                               i.     Childish series – looking at the story of the Prodigal Son and throwing a luau for this week.

                                              ii.     No Youth next week – Spring Break

                                             iii.     Hunter is out Sunday-Wednesday in New Orleans for mission trip with Connect Church – Ryan Rice.

                                             iv.     25/175 registered for summer camp.

                                              v.     Sam building the music and production teams, training band members.

i.       College

                                               i.     Next service is 3/27. Rolling out The 99 Project during service.

j.       KiDS

                                               i.     Child dedications again on Mother’s Day.

                                              ii.     Currently in Deuteronomy with Gospel Project.

                                             iii.     411 unique children came through in February

k.     Production

                                               i.     Planning set for Easter

6.     Other business

a.     Please be talking to teams about baptism and walking with people who may want to/need to get baptized. Resources and processes are available on the website.

b.     All questions about the Easter volunteer sign up form should be directed to Zach.

c.     Shared idea about an intro to serving event/meeting for people who want to serve at City Church in any area.

7.     Closing prayer


I. Devotion - Leadership Mosaic, "The Creative Leader" 

Key quotes: 

"Your knowledge provides the fuel for your imagination" 

"Creativity is imagination applied" 

Reflection Questions: 

1. How can we carry out creative visions into actions? 

2. What do we need to do to fail forward or try new things? 


II. IMB London Update from Zach

-Still in early development stages of being a strategic city 

-1 in 7 Londoners are Muslims. The city is very multi-ethnic and post-Christian. 

-Zach and team handed out gospel tracts to Muslim neighborhoods 

-IMB currently has a team of 3 people working on a strategy to reach the city 

-One opportunity is to start businesses to begin reaching the city because there are little to no niche areas where the church can step in to meet a need, because of the government. 

-Pray for ongoing conversations and planning about how City Church can be a part of this growing strategic city. 


III. Conversation about getting people to move to 9:00am Sunday serivce

-We need to encourage people to make 9:00am their service - both asking current 9:00am attendees to stay, and some from 11:00am to commit to 9:00. 

 -City Church KiDS - more PS at 9:00am and ES at 11:00am. Most families with kids have chosen a consistent service from observation. 

-It would be a good idea to put a time frame on this ask/commitment - example, "for the next 10 weeks; for the spring semester". This gives people an expectation of what's coming next and a specific idea of what they are committing to. 

-Parking - we need to continue to utilize every parking area available to us, including FBMC spots, Maytag lot by Monroe St., and possibly Walmart if needed.  

How can we all be working together? 

-This can't be treated like a one-week problem - needs to be done over and over again until we decide it's no longer necessary. 

-Giving people the full picture of WHY - because we know a third service is imminent but we need a temporary bandaid to create some breathing room while we plan for the better solution. 

-Begin grassroots asks and be on the look for formal talking points or creative media to support this ask. 

Other business - 

1. Redemption Groups launched Saturday - Pray for Craig and the RG team as it is an emotionally draining process. There are 2 full RG groups this semester!  

2. A developing marriage enrichment team is growing, with plans to host the first marriage enrichment event in late summer/early fall. 

3. Send thank-you note(s) to the team caring for our African refugees (email addresses are also linked in names) 

David Olawale (encourager, getting mentors for the men) 
Lucy Ngatia (translator) 
Anne and Tex Hudgens (meeting weekly with families for English lessons, providing transportation) 
Bobbie Jo Crouch (working on finding jobs) 
Jen Stewart (sharing and communicating about the group, organizing efforts) 

Some exciting highlights: 

-240 kids in City Church KiDS this past Sunday! 

-Over 1500 people total this past Sunday morning! 

-Almost 500 people in attendance at City Groups this past week! 


I. Leadership Mosaic discussion 

Pg. 20 - Which leader do you see yourself as? 

Pg. 37 - Values vs. Conviction

II. Christmas Eve - reflection and evaluation 

Wins + things that went well: 

-Length of service was great 

-Had its own feel, unique from COTM 

-Liturgy and candle instructions 

-Kid-friendly candles 

-1100 people in the auditorium (good to see how it worked and that we can get that many people there) 

-Very easy to invite people to the service 

-Music in the lobby with instruments and carolers 

Challenges + things to consider for next year: 

-Some complaints that music was too loud 

-Candles - to do or not to do next year? Is the tradition worth it? 

-What can we do more to build expectation and momentum leading up to Christmas season? Both in communications and in church discipleship during Advent season. 

-More tools for inviting and communication outside of social media and Sunday announcements?

-Need to keep in mind that people will show up an hour in advance - clear stage and be done with run through. 

-Determining what KiDS environments will look like for next year. 2 services would help recruit volunteers more. 


III. Department Updates 


Child dedications full for 1/15 

Next spring date for CD is 3/5 

Back on Gospel Project curriculum - this week is Moses was born and called - What is God's plan? To rescue his people from captivity. 

Major win in December - seeing families come back who haven't been in awhile 

KiDS Camp is June 5-9 - "Gadgets and Gizmos" 

Communications - 

New volunteer - Micheal Simmons

Interns - 

New interns for spring: 

KiDS- Rebecca Caudill, Jessica James. Abbey Pate 

Youth - JR Hobbs

Production - Carrie Hardaway

Access - 

Coffee & Connections this Friday 8-9am at RedEye in Bannerman Crossings   

Missions - 

Trying to fill GenSend students for NOLA this summer 

Zach is traveling to London later this month to try to solidify a partnership with IMB 


January NEXT is Sunday 1/29


Please keep all doors to the auditorium closed during the week to help contain the AC air 

Todd needs advance notice for any changes to the AC schedule for special events. Please fill out a support ticket at least a week in advance for this. 

Intern emails - once interns circle out, please let Todd know that they have finished their term 


Launch of City Groups on 1/15 

Promo in lobby on 1/8 and 1/15 

Group leader training this Saturday, 1/7 

Win - 4 more multiplying groups 

Redemption Groups launching on Saturday 1/28 - sign up online 

3 Baptisms so far for January 

See attachment for Care ministry for 2017 

Youth - 

Getting back into the swing of things next week 1/11 

Updated timeline for Hunter-Zach transition 


City Church U on 1/30 

Dan and Kelly Smith - college group coaches (co-ed) 

Chris and Gaelin Craighead - college group coaches (men/women)

Production - 

New intern - Carrie Hardaway - focusing on video 

Lord's Supper on 1/22 during service 

Finance - 

Adopting a new online giving system - PushPay (implementing over the next few months) 

Formatted for excellent and easy mobile giving

If you can, give by ACH because it's the lowest processing fee for us 

Year-end giving statements will be folded and sent out next week - be on the lookout for an email about a time block to help out 

Staffing - 

Josh Schmidt is no longer in a staffing role here - outside funding ending 

Dean - 

Vision talk this Sunday 

Begin going through the gospel of Mark for the spring (with some interruptions) 

Mark online devotional will go out the same day as the sermon series begins. 

IV. Other Business 

-Need to wrap up storage clearing out - be on the lookout for an email to come help over the next 2 weeks 

-If you haven't decluttered, do it now! 


1. Reminder to write a thank-you card to Erick Casto as he rotates off his position as an elder this month. He has served very faithfully.

2. See Alex's email about cleaning out and organziing/taking things to storage on Wednesday this week. Remember this is mandatory unless you have a commitment you absolutely cannot miss. Knucks to Zach for coordinating moving of the remaining pews out of storage tomorrow! 

3. Great discussion this morning on the Carey Nieuwhof article on characteristics of unchurched people. If you missed the link, here it is: http://careynieuwhof.com/15-characteristics-of-todays-unchurched-person/

4. Here is the link to the KiDS video that Jackson Allen made for this past Sunday's lesson. It is awesome! Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zav9F7h3G9w&feature=youtu.be

5. Important updates about organizational and ministry changes coming in January 2017: 

As Dean shared this morning, several organizational and staffing changes will take place beginning January 1st. 

Zach will be transitioning fully into the role of Connections Pastor with continued focus and leadership over Missions, with the long term goal to decouple his role again to move into a full time Missions Pastor role, overseeing all NAMB, IMB, and Send efforts and church planting initiatives as missions. 

Hunter will be transitioning into the role of College Pastor, with the short term goal to launch a midweek college service gathering in August 2017 and a longer term goal to continue building the ministry and expanding its reach. 

This will allow Zach to focus his leadership and ministry onto the area of connecting people, defining ownership/membership, closing the back door as we say, and continuing to implement a missions strategy that supports connections at City Church. Conversations about what connections and membership looks like will take place in early 2017 to support his work there and develop a true assimilation strategy. 

This move also allows Hunter to transition into a new role where his giftings will be used to build upon Zach's leadership in College and launch a midweek gathering for students that connects them to the church and ultimately leads to a discipleship strategy that reaches many students, Lord-willing. 

A new candidate for Youth Pastor has not been chosen yet. Hunter will continue to carry his responsibilities over Youth until summer camp in July 2017, with the help of his team. Austin Watson, who you may know as a former Youth intern and very faithful volunteer, is preparing to raise his own support to work part-time as an assistant under Hunter and eventually the new Youth Pastor. 

There are lots of logistics to work out, which we'll be focusing on in the coming weeks. Please feel free to ask questions and pray for these transitions as they roll out. 

Please do NOT share this information with anyone outside of a spouse until you are given word that these changes are public knowledge. Hunter and Zach both need time to communicate to their volunteers, teams, parents, students, and others first. We will also be sharing this news with Owners in the coming days/weeks, and your patience and confidentiality is appreciated in advance. 

You'll be getting more information about exciting next steps and things to come from these transitions! Please continue to lift up Hunter, Zach, and the as-yet-unknown Youth Pastor in prayer and pray for God's blessing on the next year of City Church ministry! 


1. Assigned reading for flex time/before the new year is Leadership Mosaic by Daniel Montgomery. If you need a book, please let your director or me or Alex know so we can get you one. We will begin discussions of this book weekly during all staff, starting the first week of 2017. 

2. All Staff will not be on Monday Jan. 2, due to the office being closed in observance of New Years Day. Rescheduled all staff is TBD and that info will be sent out soon. 

3. Please begin clearing out and junk or extra stuff you have in your areas at Sessions. Things may be taken to storage, but if you know you won't use ______ over the next year and it's not a long-term monetary investment, pitch it. We can all do our part to help keep our building clean and de-cluttered. 

4. For any event where we have pizza or large amounts of food, please take food and leftover boxes to the dumpsters to keep room in the trash cans for daily trash. If you see any trash outside, please pick it up. We will spend a little time next week picking up trash to get the building cleaned up before Christmas Eve. 

5. For Christmas Day services, there will be no staff presence required at Sessions. We'll put up signage and continue to remind people (through your teams, social media, Sunday, etc.) about no services on Christmas Day. 

6. Christmas Eve notes: 

-We will have candles during the service. Alex will lead the church in lighting candles during the service. 

-Zach & Alex will collaborate on ushers helping people get their candles lit. 

-We will as a staff help put together candles following all staff next Monday, 12/19.

-The gravel lot on Sessions Road will be available for Christmas Eve. Matt STrenth is coordinating the parking team for that night (but will not be here). 

-In general, this has the potential to be our largest one-service gathering at our campus so far. Please be prepared to be "all hands on deck" and help provide a presence for guest services, KiDS, or any other needs as they come up that night. 

7. Please write a thank you note to Erick Casto as he transitions off his role as Elder for this year. 


Here are a few important highlights from our staff meeting this morning, plus one update about agendas for All Staff meetings! 

What God Does With Your Sin

-Link to article shared in devotional from Tim Challies: http://www.challies.com/articles/what-god-does-with-your-sin

Sunday Heads Up

-Craig is out this Sunday - Hunter is the point person for baptisms of City Church Youth students getting baptized this Sunday! 

-Redemption Groups video promo during service this Sunday. Point people to the Connect Desk to talk with a group leader (can sign up online at CityGroupsTally.com - directive will be mentioned in program for a hard copy reference) 

-City Groups promo - leaders available near Connect Desk. Scaled down version of promo - less lobby presence. 

-Deacon meeting moved to this Sunday. Check master calendar for all events happening this Sunday. 

-All directors are asked to be at NEXT class this Sunday, 5:30-7:30pm to help with greeting and table hosting.

-All staff are asked to park at Microtel Inn on Sunday mornings, in the back corner next to the sidewalk to City Church. 

-Please encourage serving teams to NOT park in the middle spots down at FBMC - anyone parking there should park along the back row facing I-10. 

All Staff Agenda Change  

Rachel Lundgren will be assisting us with all staff communication by receiving requests for All Staff agenda items, drafting agendas, and sending them out the Friday prior to All Staff meeting, so that everyone will be coming in with some knowledge of each meeting's focus. 

To help Rachel out, please submit any items for All Staff meeting by Wednesday at 5:00pm for the following week. 

Thanks y'all! Looking forward to another big Sunday as we celebrate baptisms, hold NEXT class, and connect people to the gospel


Department Updates: 


Intern applications for fall 2016 are still open and due August 12th. 

Residency program will launch January 2017. 

Women's event registration closes August 7th - please share and invite friends! 


-meeting with key volunteers to increase team to about 65-70 volunteers each Sunday 

-personal asks for new volunteers 


-recording process under way for Christmas album for 2017 


-AC schedule adjustment requests should go to Todd via email 

-reminder about support tickets on Staff website 


-make sure chairs are over the floor plates by the camera platforms when put back in place from events. 

-Staff board next to the alarm panel to let people know you're here or not here (at Sessions). 


-123 students at Youth camp, over 300 players and coaches at Team Tallahassee 

-3 week "back to school" break. Starting back at FKO (Fall Kick Off) on August 24th. 


-Fall schedules released for groups (see handout, or get one from Craig) 

-Looking at how to increase traffic for online devotional for Galatians, coming off of Philippians study 

-Looking at about 45 groups for fall (goal is at least 50) 

-Developing a new believer mentor team 

Include updates from Women's Event, Communications, Interns & Residency. 


-Preaching schedule for fall - send out updated version (ask Lindsey) 


-Follow up in the works for KiDS Camp 

-70 preschoolers during 9am on Sunday 

-2 kids with special needs this past Sunday 

-Staring Gospel Project on August 14 (back to school Sunday) 

Fall Prep and Planning: 

Summer 2014 average: 679 people per week including kids and volunteers 

Fall 2014 average: 953 

Summer 2016 average: 1063 


-Expecting 250-275 kids on Sunday mornings 

-Need more space 

-Looking into portables for classrooms (how will this affect parking, safety of transitioning kids, extra security, etc.) 

-Adjusting classrooms - need to split up 1yo and 2yo rooms 

-Volunteers - need at least 10 additional per service 

-Using iPads for check in during the line (have iPad person help to move families out of lines by opening and closing stanchion lines?) 


**Parking idea - tall signage (like mall or Disney) 


-Shuttle service idea - need to make sure it is running consistently and a quality, positive experience to efficiently transport people. 

-Looking into renting a 15 passenger van to shuttle 


-Currently about 400 open parking spaces between gravel loop lot and FSU lot 

-50 at FBMC for volunteers 

-Microtel, Country Inn, Burger King, Walmart - 80 spots 

-30ish spots on curb on Sessions Rd 

-Idea of asking to part at Chick Fil A N Monroe and shuttling 

-Need solutions for the mass groups 

Sunday morning: 


With 80% rule, we max out at 780 chairs per service (900 out). Likely we will hit that in the next several weeks. 

Usher plan needed to accompany 

Words on the screen - request to move to the top of the screen, hard to see at the bottom. Need to move faster. Looking into other options including additional screens just for lyrics.